Chapter Twenty - Five > Deal With The Devil

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Natalia has been looking over her grimoire for hours and she finally found a spell to stop Esther

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Natalia has been looking over her grimoire for hours and she finally found a spell to stop Esther. But the spell can only be done when Esther is in the middle of doing the ritual. She cant do it before or after the spell. While she was busy preparing for tonight, she receive a call from Alaric asking to meet at the grill. Without suspecting anything, Natalia went there right away.

When she arrive there, she walk straight to the bar area but she didn't see Alaric anywhere. She decided to just wait Alaric there since she still has more time before she need to leave. She pull her phone from her pocket to text Alaric and tell him that she's already there. When she walk up the two steps to reach the bar, two Mikaelson greets her.

"Natalia." Kol said with a cautious voice.

"Alia." Klaus said as soon as he turn when he hear Kol said Natalia's name.

"Ugh." Natalia groan in annoyance before she turn around to leave but the two of them stop her.

"Join us for a drink?" Klaus said as he hold her arm and Natalia glare at his hand. Seeing her glaring eyes on his hand made him letting go of his grip on her arm.

"Like the old times." Kol said warily as he eyes Klaus's reaction.

"I did rather die of thirst then spend a second with you two." Natalia said before she leaves and walk out the door. She has now no desire to meet Alaric so she text him and tell him she has stuff to handle.

"Natalia!" Klaus shout at her from across the road.

"Are you serious? Take a hint already." Natalia said as she turn around to look at him.

"Are you still mad at me for the secret?" Klaus ask as he stop a few step from her. Natalia let out a heavy sigh when she hear his words. She is mad but she also feels disappointed and betrayal from them. She trusted them and they break that trust. It will not be easy for her to forget but she knows that deep down in her heart, she has already forgive them.

"Its not just keeping a secret Nicklaus. You, all of you, lied to my face. You break my trust. I cant just forget that." Natalia said with sadness in her voice. Hearing her words make him feel uneasy but he knows that its their fault.

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