Chapter Twenty-One - An Invitation

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Natalia can feel that she is laying on a pool of warm water when she slowly wake up

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Natalia can feel that she is laying on a pool of warm water when she slowly wake up. She open her eyes and she can only see darkness around her. She try to use her power to conjure fire or light but nothing seems to be working. She touches the water around her and from the smell and its consistency, she know that it is not just a normal water. Its blood and the thought of her laying in a pool of blood is certainly not helping her to feel calm in the middle of darkness.

Natalia then stand up and start to look around her, hoping that she might see a tiny bit of light just like how her dreams like before but to her despair, she didn't see anything but darkness but somehow she feel a little hope in her that she might see her mother again because most of the times that she is having this kind of dreams, her mother will be there to see her.

So she wait and wait but nothing seems to change and her mother still didn't come. She decide to take a few steps forward and hoping that she will reach somewhere and out from the pool of blood. After hours of walking and not seeing anything, she stumbles into something and falls on a solid ground. She try to see what she stumble on and slowly everything around her starts to bright up a little bit.

Her face is fill with shock and terror when she see what is at her feet. She saw a dead body and there isn't only one but there are hundreds or thousands of them around her. Somewhere far on her left, there is a woman standing in a middle of a circle chanting a spell with people circling her. At first she didn't recognize who they are but after she take a few steps towards them she finally recognize who they are. Everyone is there. All of her friends who is a vampire is there, including the Mikaelson and somehow Elena, Alaric, Jeremy and Bonnie are there too with Stefan and Damon near them but she is more shock to see the woman who is chanting the spell and slowly she starts to feel scared thinking about what could the woman possible trying to do.

"Here to save them?" The woman said and Natalia put on a poker face because she doesn't want her to see and know that she has an impact on her.

"What do you want Esther?" Natalia said with nothing but hatred and disgust in her voice.

"I'm here to finish what I should have done thousand years ago." Esther said and after she said that, everyone around the circle starts to scream in pain and blood coming out from their mouth, nose, ears and eyes. Without thinking any further she ran towards Klaus who seems to be in more pain then the rest of them.

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