Chapter Seven - Sired

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Since the curse that was put upon Natalia has been break, she notice a few things that has change about her

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Since the curse that was put upon Natalia has been break, she notice a few things that has change about her. To be exact, change is not the right word to be use instead she find herself to be just like how she is back before the curse was put on her. She can feel her power ruins through her veins. The power that use to be limited are now free for her to use.

Back when the curse was in her, it has weaken her in so many ways. One of the biggest weakness that she has back then was the fact that an original vampire can compelled her. Of course, none of the original vampire have ever compelled her on doing something that she didn't like, well except for Klaus but that was the only time he ever compelled her.

That is why Natalia know that she could handle Mikael but she only worried about the rest of her friends in Mystic Falls as they are no match for Mikael. Knowing how they all works and think, especially Elena, she knows that there will be no way in earth that they will let her deal Mikael alone but they don't exactly have a choice.

Natalia really wish she can protect everyone from Mikael including Klaus. She know he has done a lot of things but she also know that no matter what, Klaus shouldn't die on Mikael's hands. She know she shouldn't be on his side but on the same time she feel something for him and it confuse her on which side she should be on. It is just to evil for her to do it and that is why when Damon said that Klaus have left town, she feel relieve because she doesn't have to make a decision on who to protect but that relieve soon gone when she sense him standing behind her.

"What are you doing here Nicklaus?" Natalia said with no emotion as she turn around to look at Klaus who is standing behind her inside her bedroom. Natalia look at her balcony and see that the door is open so she guess that maybe he came through there.

"I came here to fetch you." Klaus said with calmness in his voice and Natalia look at him with confusion.

"I'm not an object for you to fetch." Natalia said and Klaus let out a sigh as he can sense that Natalia is offended with what he just said. He didn't mean it that way, he just wants to take her away from Mikael. He doesn't want her to be near him at all cost.

"That is not what I meant Alia." Klaus said and Natalia shake her head. She doesn't care whether he meant what he said or not. She just want him to leave.

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