Chapter Thirty - Three > Amelia

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Natalia has been spending the whole week with the Mikaelson instead of with her friends and other then Damon and Alaric, no one else seems to care about what happen to her

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Natalia has been spending the whole week with the Mikaelson instead of with her friends and other then Damon and Alaric, no one else seems to care about what happen to her. S'u8tefan did contact her but after she said that she is going to spend the whole week with the Mikaelson, he has stop texting and contacting her. Natalia do feel sorry and bad with her decision but she need time to recover before she went to them and save the day once again.

There are other reason to on why Natalia want to spend her whole week there. Both Klaus and Rebekah just told her that apparently mother nature decide to mess with them again by making a white oak tree grow in Mystic Falls years ago. She has been helping them searching for the tree or maybe the remaining of the tree but they found nothing and it made the three of them feel anxious but Natalia still remember her promise to help Alaric.

That is why this morning she is going to meet them and find out a way to help Alaric other then the herbs that Bonnie has been giving to him. Klaus is of course over protective and not allowing her to leave his side but he knows how much she values her word just like Elijah, so he didn't have a choice but reluctantly let Natalia leave her side. Klaus make sure Natalia promise him to update everything every one hour or he will come and disturb their play house.

"Morning guys." Natalia said with a smile on her face but she can feel the awkwardness and the tension in the room.

"Morning Nat. How are you?" Elena ask but her voice seems to be hiding something or pretending that she truly cares.

"Yeah. I'm fine Elena. What are you guys up too?" Natalia ask as she sits on a couch across Elena, next to Caroline. Natalia could feels Caroline tense when she sit next to her.

"Alaric stuff." Damon said and Natalia nod.

"Is there anything that I can help you with?" Natalia ask as she lean her back on the couch and cross her legs.

"No. We want you to rest." Stefan said and Natalia let out a sigh when she hear what he said. Klaus and Stefan has been acting the same way.

The only thing that they both want her to do is rest and rest but that is exactly not what she wants. She has enough rest and she want to do something, she need to do something. The mission that she had with the Mikaelson in searching the white oak tree or the remaining of it is practically boring as the only thing that Klaus and Rebekah let her do is stay between them. She is not allowed to do anything other then that.

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