Chapter Thirty - One > Dark Spell

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"Will you do the spell now?" Meredith said in a rushing voice after she sees Natalia has finish her food

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"Will you do the spell now?" Meredith said in a rushing voice after she sees Natalia has finish her food. Natalia was about to wash the dishes when she heard what Meredith said and thanks to her roller coaster emotions, her reaction to her wors and attitude certainly is not good.

"Don't rush her. She will do it when she's ready." Damon said when he sees the death and cold glare that Natalia is giving Meredith.

"She will help Alaric. You don't have to worry." Stefan said defending Natalia. He feels like he is responsible for Natalia's bad mood today and he is truly sorry about what he did and said this morning.

He didn't know what come over him but whenever Klaus name is mention or anything that is regarding Klaus, Stefan feels like his heart is being ripped apart and smash into pieces. He didn't know why he would be jealous of him or scared that Natalia will leave him for Klaus. In matter of fact, he knows deep down that Klaus is her choice but she is just in denial and he is so full of ego to let Natalia choose Klaus.

"Okay. Come here Ric. Sit here." Natalia said as she points to a chair in front of her and Alaric obeys her orders.

"It will hurt a little bit." Natalia said and before Alaric could say anything, Meredith interrupt her.

"Are you sure you know what you are doing?" Meredith ask Natalia and once again it made Natalia feel her anger rise.

"Alaric. Please tell your girlfriend to shut up or I will fry her brain. I need to concentrate." Natalia said to Alaric without looking at Meredith.

"Its okay Meredith. She know what she's doing. I trust her." Alaric said and a small smile appear on Natalia lips but somehow she can sense a little bit of uncertainly in his voice but she push it away as she feels like she is being paranoid. Natalia hold Alaric's head with both of her hands, on each side before she chants the spell that will allow her to see what is in his mind.

"Permitte mihi vedere quod est occultatum." Natalia chant the spell and her eyes change into dark red with a hint of yellow. They all look at her and when a frown appear on Natalia's face, they became worried and anxious.

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