Chapter Fifteen - The Council Meeting

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"That's not a dress?" Damon said with annoyance when Natalia walk down the stairs not wearing what he told her to wear

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"That's not a dress?" Damon said with annoyance when Natalia walk down the stairs not wearing what he told her to wear. He definitely ask her to wear a dress and she does the opposite. Althought, what Natalia wear is actually considered as a dress, Damon is still not satisfied with it. He was expecting she will wear something that ball material kind of dress.

"It is Damon." Natalia said as she roll her eyes as she walk down the stairs. She then stop at the last step of the stairs and look at both of them. They both look normal. They are wearing exactly what they will wear on their daily basis. So she definitely doesn't understand why she is the only one who need to dress up.

"No its not." Damon said once again with annoyance still clearly heard from his voice and Natalia look at him with a glare. She cant believe that she is about to explain and have a fight with Damon with what a dress should look like.

"Damon, anything that didn't have pants is a dress." Natalia said as she cross her hands on her chest and lean her side to the stairs pillar.

"Why are you so obsessed with what she wear?" Alaric ask and Natalia look at Damon as she also wondering the same thing. Both of Alaric and Natalia couldn't understand with his obsession on what she should wear everyday. Alaric basically doesn't have any trouble or problem in what Natalia decide to wear everyday because she will look beautiful no matter what but Damon doesn't seem to think the same way that Alaric does.

"Because, your sense of fashion is ridiculous." Damon said and Natalia puts both of her hands on her hips with her mouth wide open in shock. She couldn't believe she hear those words coming out from Damon's lips. Out of everyone in the world, Damon has the audacity to condemn her sense of fashion.

"Says the guy who always wear either black or gray." Natalia said and Alaric laugh at Damon while he glare at him. Natalia only look at Damon with a proud smirk on her face. She is proud to herself for saying it out loud. Damon should be the last person to ever question her sense of fashion, Damon who don't ever have any colour in his wardrobe. There is only darkness. As dark as his brain, worthless.

"Are we going or not?" Natalia ask with annoyance in her voice as she starts to grow impatient. She is force to go to this council meeting and is force to wear a dress, so waiting is not a way to made her go there with a smile on her face.

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