Chapter Thirteen - A Second Chance?

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Natalia and Alaric is in the kitchen of the Gilbert's house

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Natalia and Alaric is in the kitchen of the Gilbert's house. They both are cooking for tonight's dinner while Elena set the table. Natalia wouldn't join the dinner though, as she has made a promise to Klaus to meet up but she did promise Elena and Alaric, she will help to prepare dinner for them, since none of them know how to cook except for Natalia. She still remember how they both beg her to cook for tonight's dinner.

"Nat please. You know that both of us cant cook and we are about to have a very serious talk with Jeremy which none of us know how that will turn out." Elena said as she keep pouting in front of Natalia. Natalia try really hard not to fall for that pouting face of her.

"The least that we can get from it is a good food." Alaric said and Natalia shake her head as a no. She certainly is not going to get in the middle of their drama with Jeremy. Besides she has plans that night. Plans that she can not tell anyone about it or they will lock her in the basement.

"Nat please. Please." Elena said with both of her praying that she will say yes and Natalia then turn to look at Alaric.

"Please." Alaric said with a small voice, a pouting face and he keep on batting his eyelashes which result to Natalia letting out a loud laugh.

"I can resists Elena's puppy face but yours Ric are impossible to resist." Natalia said and they all laugh as Alaric shouts in excitement as he manage to persuade Natalia to cook.

"But I cant stay. I have somewhere to go tonight." Natalia said and both of Alaric and Elena stop smiling and a disappointed face appear on their face.

"Who is going to talk to Jeremy?" Alaric ask and a frown appear on Natalia's face.

"So you are saying that you didn't just want me to do the cooking but you also want me to do the talking?" Natalia ask and they both nod at her. She look at both of them with a disbelief face.

"Excuse me. Why am I the one who has to talk to him about this. Ric you are his guardian and Elena you are his sister and I'm just a great great great aunt that is not related to him by blood. I don't see why I'm the one who should do the talking." Natalia said and Elena sits next to Natalia.

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