Chapter One - Memories

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"How is she?" Klaus ask in worry as he take a sip of his whiskey that Gloria serve him

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"How is she?" Klaus ask in worry as he take a sip of his whiskey that Gloria serve him. Gloria is a witch and a very powerful one based on what Klaus said. He went to her to find an answer for why his attempt in making more hybrid fails. he wants to know what is stopping him from fulfilling his master plan. Stefan isn't in the bar at the moment, he went out to grab something to eat and Klaus see that as a chance for him to call Brad.

"She is not doing so fine." Brad answer and Klaus isn't happy with Brad's answer.

"What do you mean she is not doing fine? You should have done the spell by now. Don't you dare to play with me." Klaus said in anger and Brad sigh as his eyes fall on Natalia. She look weak, tired, devastated and bloody.

"Its not that Klaus. Something is wrong. I cant do the spell. Something is stopping me." Brad said and he look at Natalia with a guilty face. He feel guilty for putting Natalia in this state but he doesn't have a choice. The demon in her need to be stopped. There are chances that this might not work but the least that he can do to help is try.

Klaus saved his family ages ago when they were attack by a pack of werewolves during full moon. Since that day, he and his family has been in debt with Klaus but that is not the end. Ten years ago, while his little sister was on her way to a sacred place where their family harnest they powers, she was almost killed by witches who despise them for working with Klaus but Natalia was there. She saved his little sister and since that day, he didn't just doing this to pay his family debt with Klaus but also with Natalia.

"What is it?" Klaus ask in anger as he is starting to get annoyed with everything that is going on. First his hybrid plan now Natalia.

"I don't know." Brad said with a disheartened look and voice. He actually know what the reason is but he can't tell Klaus because he wouldn't like the solution to the problem.

"Well, figure it out. Its part of your job but do bare in mind, if something happen to her, run." Klaus said before he ends the call and take another sip of his whiskey. No one other then himself truly know and understand how and what is he feeling at the moment. He then feel a familiar presence from behind him.

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