Chapter Three - A Warning

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"The problem with my dad's normal side of the family is normal made for a really boring summer

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"The problem with my dad's normal side of the family is normal made for a really boring summer." Bonnie said as she munch some chips with Natalia beside her and both Caroline and Natalia in front of them.

"After the last few days, I would kill for a normal family." Caroline said as she helps Elena decant the Chili in a casserole. They all nod at Caroline as they feel exactly the same way, except for Bonnie as she really isn't in the mood for that kind of normal family.

"Yeah me too. I haven't had it for almost a millennium now. In fact, I never had one." Natalia said as she keep on munching the chips. She remember how her whole family isn't normal. None of them were. Her mother is one of the original witch who is a very powerful one and her dad is the first vampire-werewolf hybrid and her grandparents are also witches. Only her little brother Danial, who is normal. He is still too young for any of them to know what he is. A witch or a werewolf or maybe both.

"We tried to look for you but none of it works." Bonnie said with a guilty face and Natalia nudge her side gently.

"Its okay. None of it is your fault. They put a protection barrier around me. No magic can surpass that. Trust me, I tried." Natalia said in between her munching.

"Are you okay?" Bonnie ask with worry and guilt still eating her up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Better actually. Kinda feel lighter if that even makes sense. Caroline has been teaching me how to control myself when I'm feeding." Natalia said and Caroline look at her with a proud face. She has never been more proud in her life then her success in teaching Natalia self control.

"Which you did amazing. So the demon is gone now?" Caroline ask Natalia and she finish her chips before she answer her question.

"Yeah. It turns out, an original witch name Esther put it in me." Natalia said as she open up a can of coke and gulp it down.

"Why? She couldn't have done it for fun." Bonnie ask and they all let out a chuckle except for Natalia.

"It could be. I mean she has been dead for more than a thousand years. She might not have anything to do on the other side. But what I know for sure is I don't even know her. I just met her through my dreams which I cant make out what she said other than her name." Natalia said and they all give her warm smile and she just keep on munching her chips.

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