Chapter Eighteen - The Day We Met

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Natalia didn't even bother to get out when she hear Stefan throwing things around downstairs

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Natalia didn't even bother to get out when she hear Stefan throwing things around downstairs. If he doesn't want to care, then she will do exactly the same. Stefan is not the only one who can act like they don't care. She also can and she will be good at it. She sit on her bed with her back on the bed frame and her grimoire on her lap.

She is going through the spell again and making sure that she didn't miss anything that Bonnie and her mother will need when they are doing that spell but from what she read in her grimoire, to unseal the coffin, there is nothing much that they will need. Just the blood from the two generation of a witch line but as she was looking through the spell, she realize something.

The only reason why Bonnie is having all these dreams is because it is a message given to her by her dead ancestors. They gave her that message because they know that only Bonnie and her mother can open the coffin which makes Natalia realize that the one who seal that coffin in the first is a Bennett witch. It does makes sense.

The spell that is used to seal the coffin can be considered as a blood spell. Which means that the witch that cast the spell uses her blood to strengthen her power and strength on the spell and only someone who shares the same blood as the witch who cast the spell can open the tomb, like a bloodline. To make it harder to be open, the witch cast a blood knot spell. That is why no matter how hard Natalia try or no matter what spell she use, it will never be able to open that coffin. It need a Bennett witch from two generation.

As Natalia was in a deep thought, she could hear Stefan stop thrashing things around and she also hear the sound of the front door being open and closed. She is sure that Stefan is leaving the house because if the door being open and closed because someone just came, she will definitely hear their voice asking Stefan what the hell happened.Natalia put her grimoire aside and walk downstairs to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

She doesn't want to drink blood because she made a promise to herself and also to Caroline that she will only drink blood when she need to use her power at maximum strength. If there is nothing happen that need her to be in a maximum strength, she wont drink blood and just eat normal food like normal human being would. Its one of the way to not make her become obsessed with the blood. She has been doing an extremely good job so far and she is really proud of herself.

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