Chapter Six - You Have Change

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"Why do I have to come?" Natalia said as she walk towards Bonnie, Elena and Caroline who's standing in front of Elena's school locker with annoyance

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"Why do I have to come?" Natalia said as she walk towards Bonnie, Elena and Caroline who's standing in front of Elena's school locker with annoyance. Everyone could clearly tell that Natalia is force to be there.

"Because we need you to stop Stefan from hurting Elena." Caroline said and Natalia let out a groan as she roll her eyes. She really cant believe that Caroline still doesn't understand how compulsion work eventhough she has definitely tell Caroline about it last night. She cant even sleep last night thanks to Caroline.

"He wont hurt her, he's compelled to protect Elena remember." Natalia said before she turn to look at Elena and see she's wearing a scarf around her neck. She know what Elena is hiding under the scarf. Its the bite mark from Stefan and they all have tried to help her heal the marks using the blood or magic but she refuse both ways.

"You know there's a way to heal that bite mark right?" Natalia said to Elena as she lean her head on a locker next to Elena.

"Yeah, I'm just-" Elena was about to finish her sentence when suddenly Tyler came to them and kisses Caroline. Natalia, Elena and Bonnie share a look with a smirk on their face. They are both happy for both of them but sometimes they don't know how to keep it to themself. Bonnie then saw Jeremy waving at her and a smile soon appear on her face. Bonnie then excuse herself to meet Jeremy who's standing in front of her locker.

"Lucky them. And here I am, single and broody." Natalia said and Elena chuckle at her words. Elena then close her locker door and a confusion appear on her face when she turn to look at Caroline and Tyler who is still making out.

"Is that blood?" Elena ask when she sees blood on Tyler's shirt. They all look at where Elena is pointing and their eyes grew wide. Natalia slap her forehead with Tyler's carelessness. She can not believe Tyler forget to make sure he is clean from any blood on him before he come to school after his meal which she hope is from a blood bag instead of human.

"Oh my god!" Caroline said as she pull Tyler into the restroom and Elena follows her from behind. Natalia didn't follow them in as she grab Elena's and stop her from walking inside the restroom.

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