Chapter Five - Fled Town

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When Natalia woke up, the first thing that she see is Klaus sitting across her on the bench

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When Natalia woke up, the first thing that she see is Klaus sitting across her on the bench. She close her eyes again as she feels a huge pain on her neck. She touches her neck as she tries to sit up and a wince came out from her lips. No matter how powerful and immortal she is once someone snap her neck the pain is still there and trust me the pain is horrible and to make its more horrible then ever is the fact that Klaus is the one who snap her neck.

Once Klaus see her wincing he vamp-speed towards her . He hold her arm and waist trying to help her stands up but she push his hands away from her harshly. Klaus look at her with hurt in his eyes but he know he deserve it. He stands there looking hurt and guilty as he eyes every move that Natalia make. He is prepared for her to hit him or snap his neck back. He doesn't mind as long as she forgive him.

"You snap my neck." Natalia said when she stands up and glare at Klaus with anger in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. Its the only way to stop you from stopping me." Klaus tell Natalia his excuse but Natalia doesn't care. No matter what the reason is, he still snap her neck. What anger her more is the fact that he snap her neck after he said that he will never hurt her and to make it worse, she actually believe those words.

"So much for not wanting to hurt me." Natalia said with anger and hurt in her voice. Once hearing the tone of her voice, Klaus start to remember what Elena said to him. He do agree with Elena that what he just did to Natalia will make her hate him more but he cant let Natalia disturb his plan. Everything that he has planned need to work or everything that he has done will be useless. 

"You think I  enjoy doing this to you?! You think I had fun hurting you?! I don't Alia. It hurts every inch of my heart and body to do it, but I have to." Klaus said but Natalia ignore his words. She doesn't want to believe his words anymore. He hurt her and that is it. She will not turn a blind eye to all the terrible things he had done whether its to her or anyone else.

"Did you stop and think for once what I will feel? I trust you. I trusted your words! And you betray that trust. I don't care whether what I saw back then was real or not because right now you have show me your true colors Nicklaus Mikaelson. You are not worthy for my trust!" Natalia said in anger and she can feel her whole body is fuming with so much anger towards him.

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