Chapter Twenty - Nine > Treasure

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Natalia couldn't believe that a day out to the grill to figure out a why in helping Alaric will turn out to be bloody and frustrating

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Natalia couldn't believe that a day out to the grill to figure out a why in helping Alaric will turn out to be bloody and frustrating. She has enough problems and anger of her own and now she has to deal with Damon's stupidity and Stefan's blood thirst ripper with conscious side. Don't get her wrong. She love them both but sometimes they can be really annoying. They always think that they are the only people with messed up life.

Well guess what? They are not. She has her own problems to solve and her own issues to handle. Why cant they just be nice and remain silence without doing or causing any danger while she tries to deal with her life? Is it really too much to ask from them? She should have known that the moment she decide to protect Elena, she also has to sign up in protecting everyone around Elena.

Thanks to Elena being the nice girl, she has a lot of people to protect but here is the thing. The people around her has the tendency to create trouble and sometimes trouble are the one chasing them. Natalia missed her free life. Her life with nothing but peace. The life that she had for a hundred years when she was running away from Klaus. Back then, the only thing that she need to do is hiding and covering her tracks, which is really easy if you are a powerful witch with a vampire side to it.

Tonight however made her realize that she need to stop being nice with people. Her being nice makes them think that she will not do terrible things to them, which is so wrong but then again, she has a heart and humanity that will never let her do things that will make her a monster or make her becoming something or someone that people around her hate. Standing there in front of Stefan, protecting him from ripping the girl's head off, is one of the proof that she will not abandoned those she care eventhough she really wants too.

"Tough love, Stefan. You're not gonna survive this cold-turkey thing. You never do. It's time to get that monkey off your back." Damon said as he hold the girl tightly.

"No." Stefan said as he shake his head.

"Feed, or I will let Rebekah have her way with her. You know she will kill her." Damon said as he shove the girl a little bit towards Rebekah who is standing beside him.

"Oh, I will." Rebekah said with a smirk on her face. Natalia knows that Rebekah is doing all this because she needs information from Damon but that doesn't mean that it is okay to do this. There are other ways for her to get what she wants without torturing Stefan.

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