Chapter Ten - Homecoming Party

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(Natalia's dress for the homecoming party )

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(Natalia's dress for the homecoming party )

Natalia wake up the next morning with an annoying feeling in her stomach as today is the day where Klaus will come back to Mystic Falls and meet his long time enemy Mikael and Natalia is standing in between all of these

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Natalia wake up the next morning with an annoying feeling in her stomach as today is the day where Klaus will come back to Mystic Falls and meet his long time enemy Mikael and Natalia is standing in between all of these. She still have this feeling in her heart that tells her to stop them from doing the plan but her head tells her to go with the plan.

As soon as she take a shower, she went straight to the cellar where Mikael's desiccate body is place. They are supposed to undagger him as soon as Stefan call Klaus and tell him that Mikael is dead but Natalia has a different plan. She doesn't want to let Mikael go easily like that. She want to talk to him without anyone else listening in to their conversation.

"You are taking why longer then you should." Natalia said as soon as she undagger Mikael and wait for five hour for him to wake up.

Stefan and Damon is not home and Natalia doesn't know where they went but it definitely have something to do with their plan to kill Klaus. Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Jeremy and Matt are preparing for a homecoming party at their school with Tyler but since Tyler is still sired to Klaus, he doesn't know about the plan.

"Why does it feels like you didn't undagger me the way we planned?" Mikael said as he slowly gets up and strengthen his suit.

"Not we, your plan." Natalia said as she lean to the door frame of the cellar.

"That we agree on." Mikael said as he look at Natalia with a calm face but she can see the anger and disgust in his eyes.

"I didn't agree on anything." Natalia said and Mikael look at her with an eyebrow raise.

"You want to stop the plan. You want to save Nicklaus again. Why am I not surprised." Mikael said with mockery in his voice and a smirk appear on Natalia's face.

"I didn't say that either but what I know is I don't trust you." Natalia said as she look at him with a calm face but only she know how much she hate him and how struggling she is from hurting him as much as she want.

"But you have doubts. You pretend like you want him dead but when it is time for you to kill him, you hesitate but I don't. I will do anything to stop him so you better not get in my way child." Mikael said and Natalia let out a chuckle when she hear his words.

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