Chapter Four - She Will Hate You

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"Since all of you are here

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"Since all of you are here. Now we can get started." Klaus said before he turn to looks at Dana who is standing with one feet at the end of the gym. Natalia was about to vamp-speed towards Klaus and force him to stop with whatever nonsense he is trying to do but Rebekah stopped her.

"I don't know and don't like anyone in here but you know Nick more then anyone else. He will hurt everyone in here without a blink and you wont be able to save everyone." Rebekah said and Natalia look at him with wary eyes.

"But I have to do something." Natalia said and Rebekah let out a sigh.

"Talk to him. Gently. He will listen to you." Rebekah said and Natalia look at Rebekah for a few seconds before she let out a quiet groan before she turn to look at Klaus.

"Ah, Dana, why don't you relax? You and Chad sit tight?" Klaus said and they both obey to his command like a puppet. Klaus then turn to look at Bonnie, avoiding eye contact with Natalia. He doesn't want to look at her as he know looking at her right now will make his heart melt and obey her every words.

"I assume you're the reason Elena's still walking around alive?" Klaus said to Bonnie as he glare at her with a smirk on his face.

"That's right. If you want to blame someone, blame me." Bonnie said as she take a step forward towards him and Natalia know really well what truly had happen. She is the one who give Bonnie the spell and Bonnie doesn't exactly had a choice.

"Bonnie no." Natalia said but Rebekah hold her arm not letting her go. Eventhough the demon in her is already gone, Natalia still take verbane daily. She needs to be able to control her power first before she walk around verbane free and that is why she's not strong enough to fight Rebekah. Her strength are really limited.

"Oh, there's no need for me to blame anything on you, love. Just your witchy interference seems to have caused some undesirable side effects. And since you caused the problem, I'm going to have you find the fix." Klaus said before he walk closer to Tyler and Natalia had a bad feeling about this. She turn to look at Rebekah with pleading eyes.

"Rebekah please. Let me go." Natalia said but Rebekah shake her head. She cant do that or she will feel Klaus wrath on her. Natalia then turn to look at Tyler with worry in her eyes.

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