Chapter Thirty - Two > A Child

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"Nat!" Stefan shout as he rushes towards her and he cradle her into his arms while Elena crouch beside her

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"Nat!" Stefan shout as he rushes towards her and he cradle her into his arms while Elena crouch beside her. Damon help Alaric to stand up.

"Take your hands of her ripper." Klaus said as he vamp-speed into the house. Without waiting for Stefan to answer to his demands, he grab Natalia and hold her bridal style.

"What are you doing here?" Elena ask with hatred and confusion in her voice. They all are confuse with Klaus sudden appearance.

"She ask me to take her home if something happen." Klaus said and they all look at each other with a confuse look but more of all, they didn't trust his words.

"Yeah right. Like she will choose you over us." Damon said but from the look on Klaus's face they can tell that he is telling the truth.

"She does didn't she." Elena said and Klaus look at her with emotionless face.

"You will have to ask her that yourself." Klaus said before he vamp-speed away from there and Stefan was about to follow him but Elena strand in front of him.

"Where are you going?" Elena ask Stefan with teary eyes but there is anger in her eyes and on her face.

"I'm taking her home Elena. I do not trust him to take care of her." Stefan said but Elena let out a scoff as she wipe the tears that is running down her cheeks.

"You heard what he said. She choose him. Not us. Not you." Elena said as she look straight into Stefan's eyes.

"We don't know that." Stefan said through his gritted teeth and both Damon and Alaric is looking at each other with worry and skeptical in their eyes.

"Admit the truth Stefan. She choose him. Not you." Elena said and the hurt look on Stefan's face breaks her heart. She still have feelings for Stefan and she still love him so to see that hurt look on Stefan's face is certainly not something that she wants to see. Yes she do admit that she has cheat behind him before but after the talk that she had with Natalia, she stop everything that is going on with Damon and she choose him but to see him having feelings for Natalia hurts her.

"I believe we have something more important in our hands." Elena said and once again she wipe her tears and turn to look at Damon and Alaric but the way they look at her, hurts her more.

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