Chapter Twelve - Coffin

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Natalia woke up the next day on her bed, in her bedroom at the Salvatore's boarding house

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Natalia woke up the next day on her bed, in her bedroom at the Salvatore's boarding house. She didn't know how she get there and she certainly didn't remember who take her there but the last thing that she remember is being in Klaus's arms before she became unconscious. Natalia then sit on her bed and she feel her whole body ache.

Maybe the verbane is still in her system and it made her feel weak and sore. She rub her face when she remember what happen last night. How careless she was last night that result to her being use by Mikael which is something that she really hate. On top of all that, she remember how Damon didn't help her and how suddenly Stefan decide to change their plan and help Klaus.

All of that makes her head hurt and she really need to know what truly happen. Why suddenly it was her instead of Katherine? Is it part of Damon's improvise plan? Using her instead of Katherine. Natalia was about to walk downstairs and search for Damon and ask him about what truly happen last night when her phone beeps. She grab her phone and see a text message from Elena asking her to meet up at the grill.

She let out a sigh before she change her plan and clean herself first and change into clean clothes. She doesn't want to dress up today and wear something fancy as she is too tired to think or decide on what to wear. So she just grab a gray t-shirt, a jean, a red sport shoes and a very light makeup. When she is done, she walk downstairs as she put her phone inside her jeans back pocket and when she is downstairs, she is greeted with a half drunk Damon.

"Morning. Oh wait, afternoon." Damon said as he take another gulp of his bourbon.

"You are not funny." Natalia said with an annoyed voice as she stop at the end of the stairs and glare at him.

"Aren't you supposed to be happy. The plan fails thanks to Stefan and now Klaus is still rooming around free to harm Elena." Damon said and Natalia didn't answer him. She just look at him with an annoyed face.

"Did you plan it? With Stefan? It does makes sense you know. Stefan who has feelings for you will do anything for you. Don't you think?" Damon said as he take another gulp of his bourbon.

"I'm not you Damon. Who willing to harm others just to get what you want. You made up swap places. You made me be the bait instead of Katerina. You made Mikael touch me. You made him hurt me. Do you have any idea how much I despise that?" Natalia said to Damon with anger. She couldn't believe that he could do and say that to her. After everything that she has done for them.

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