They Say Soy Sauce On Pudding Tastes Like Sea Urchin

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"You called me for this again Sougo?" a deadpanned look was plastered on your face as you gazed upon the head police chief, Matsudaira. "Honestly, you would think that he learned his lesson last time." Once again, the four of you were stalking Kuriko from on top of a rooftop.

Matsudaira was currently looking through the binoculars on his rifle, which was pointed directly at the men who were chatting to his daughter in her workplace - the local convenience store. The building you three were on was conveniently placed right in front of the store.

"Wasn't it fun last time though?" Sougo asked. On the other hand, Hijikata was busy retelling the story of what happened the last time to Matsudaira - and to Kondo who had joined in once again, introducing himself as Gorilla 13.

"I mean... I guess it was fun. But I wouldn't want my dad and his friends stalking me. Especially now since she's not even on a date! She's at work!" The sandy-haired boy ignored your words and brought out a rifle from out of nowhere.

"Sougo 13 appears once again because this looks interesting."

"Not again..." All three men were now leaning on the low concrete fence of the rooftop, aiming their guns towards the males working with Kuriko, Matsudaira's daughter. "Don't they have anything better to do?"

"Alright, Kondo you take the one on the left. Sougo, you take the one on the right. I'll take the one in the middle." 

"Don't do anything rash!! In short, you want them to give up on her, right? There are a lot of easier ways of doing that," Hijikata told the three. "I'll go over there and easily settle this."

Matsudaira got up, "Oh? You've got quite a bit of confidence. If you go as far to say that, Tōshi, I guess I'll leave this to you."

"Pops, you can't trust this guy. He's the one who betrayed us at the amusement park," Sougo mentioned. "I'll go. I'll shove a ton of enemas up their asses and make them crap their pants."

"Matsudaira-sshi, Kuriko-chan's the type of girl who ain't disgusted even if her boyfriend craps his pants. When I crap my pants, you guys are so disgusted with me. How are you gonna attack them?" Kondo stated... with a smirk on his face? How weird.

"Now, hold on, Kondo, Sougo. Tōshi is pretty confident. This is convenient," Matsudaira told them. "I want you to pay us back for what you did to us at the amusement park," he looked over at you. "Of course, I want you to go as well [name]-san. You were with Tōshi as well? Weren't you?"

"That's because you left me while I was getting ice-cream."

"Come on, Tōshi, [name]-san. You'll do it, right? You will, won't you? I'm counting on the both of you." 


"Great, after all that big talk you did, I was dragged into this." An irk appeared on your forehead and you stuck out your tongue towards the snipers on the roof.

"Deal with it," Hijikata pulled you into the store with an annoyed look on his face.

"Welcome!" the workers greeted. After politely nodding at them, you glanced over to the man beside you. He moved his head to the right, indicating he was going to go to the nearest isle.

"I'll be in the cold section if you need me." Arriving at the said destination, you glossed over the many frozen lunches and headed straight towards the ice-cream. You decided to be nice and was going to buy some for yourself and Sougo - you know, since he wasn't able to eat his cold treat last time; there was nothing behind your actions.

While looking at the selection, you often glanced over at Kuriko at the counter; trying to keep an eye on her. However, your concentration was knocked sideways when yelling and shouts came from where she was. When you went to see what was happening, it seemed that her three male coworkers were trying to ask her out.

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