The Taste Of Drinking Under Broad Daylight Is Something Special

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"...He's not moving?" Kamui didn't care that you were distracted, he grabbed a nearby broken wooden plank and threw it at you. Even though you weren't concentrating one hundred percent, you sliced up the plank into pieces. Kamui whistled and stood up straight.

Whilst Housen was busy looking at his dirty work, you threw your blade at his face. However, this was Housen you were dealing with. That attack only nicked his cheek.

Seita, who was watching the fight go on wasn't sure whether or not to stay and watch if Gintoki would get up, or go and get Hinowa from her room. But you glanced up at him and with just one look, he pressed his lips together and ran to his mother. "A filthy prostitute could never become a mother. I'll prove it to you. By killing... that child," Housen said.

"Man... Never expected you to be into her this much. I find it hard to believe you were my master. Ruining a prostitute and taking away her value as an item. Yet you still keep her at your side. Boss, it appears you need her not as an item... but as a woman," Kamui spoke.

"And I need Hinowa? What nonsense. You've got it backwards. Money, authority, women, everything I wanted, I obtained with my power. But there is one thing even I cannot obtain. Something not even the King of the Night could bring down... I was forced to run deep into this underground world. Yet even in this eternal darkness, it still exists without change. My... No, the Yato's most dreaded existence, our one and only predator! Yes, the sun! No matter how low she sinks down to, her spirit wouldn't break."

Her noble sight is just like the dreaded sun. No matter how much I drank... No matter how many women I took to my bed. As long as the sun was shining, my thirst shall never quench. Not through death... I would drag that noble spirit down, and force Hinowa to yield to me! Pressure her until she broke down into tears and begged me for mercy! I would obtain the sun!"

After watching Seita take Hinowa away by piggybacking her, Housen was suddenly attacked by a raid of kunai, "Fools! What is this?!" Housen shouted, confused at why he was betrayed by his own subordinates. "You're rebelling against me, the King of the Night?!"

"Don't blame us. We were merely fooled by a rude guest," Tsukuyo told him. "Bluffing us with a bedtime story about launching a sun into Yoshiwara. Everyone here was tricked by his words. See? It's the guy lying there. We come here believing in him and this is what we get. What kind of joke is this? After all that big talk you made, look at you! Where's that sun you promised? I was a fool for expecting anything from you. You... big stinkin' liar!" Tsukuyo threw a kunai in his direction. 

Gintoki then opened his eyes and caught it in between his fingers, "I didn't lie. The sun did arise. All around the place!" The man slowly picked himself up and began to walk towards Housen. He grabbed a random sword laying on the ground and held it tight, "It's so bright I can't even sleep."

"Thank goodness," you exhaled. "He didn't die."

"Oh wow, he's up," Kamui chuckled, "So he's still gonna fight."

The Hyakka then surrounded Housen, trying to provoke him to fight, "You half-dead fools. No matter how many you gather, it won't change a thing. Why can't you understand?" Housen told them. "Why don't you die? Why do you have that look in your eyes?!" The Night-King picked up his umbrella, "I can't stand... those eyes! Get rid of that look!!"

"Go and take Hinowa, Seita!" you shouted at the boy, "Hurry up! We'll have your back." You faced Kamui once more and grabbed a stray sword that was laying on the floor, "Shall we con-" Kamui jumped up and was now above you. He was already on it.

He outstretched his fist and got ready to punch you, but you intercepted with your blade. However, your sword broke into pieces once it came in contact with him. You forced yourself to fall backwards in order to dodge his fist. You lifted your right leg up and tried to kick him, but he rolled away fast enough before you could hit him.

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