Youngsters Learn the Value of Life from Rhinoceros Beetles

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It was a relaxing day in the usually chaotic Yorozuya building. You were sitting on the blue couch reading a book with Gintoki's head laying on your lap with a JUMP magazine on his face. Shinpachi was on the other couch reading a magazine. Kagura was-

"Beetle hunting time!" you glanced up at the said girl. She had a whole get-up on; a straw hat, a beetle cage resting by her waist and a large net in her hand. You gave her a smile, unsure of what she meant and then continued to read.

Kagura slammed the floor with the stick of the net to get attention, "Beetle hunting time!" she puffed out her cheeks. The girl grabbed your book and threw it across the room. She then lifted Gintoki's JUMP off his face and shouted in his ear, "Beetle hunting time!"

The older man pushed her back, "Shut up!" he laid up and pointed at her, "What are you screaming about?!"

"I'm going beetle hunting. What do you think? What do I think?"

"Just go," Shinpachi told her.

In response she slapped him in the face. "Don't say 'just go'! Listen! I'm out of patience! That bastard killed my sweet Sadaharu No. 28. And even Akebono..." You had no idea what she was talking about. Who killed who now? You tried your hardest to understand, but she just kept rambling.

"Hey, are you listening?" Kagura walked up to Gintoki and yourself, and put something slimy and green on the man's shirt. You were guessing that it was her snot.

"Yeah, I'm listening. I'm listening," he paid no mind to her actions. The man was invested in the television program so you glanced over to see what was on the screen.

"So, I need to catch a big, strong beetle to beat his Mazomaru."

Gintoki replied nonchalantly, "Huh? Saxomaru? Which one was it? Hey, which one was it?"

Kagura moved up from his shirt to his hair, which you of course, stopped fiddling with. "Anyway, I'm going to defeat that bastard's freaky-maru. So please teach me how to catch a beetle."

"The rhinoceros beetle boom is back, huh? Everything comes back eventually, huh?"

Shinpachi readjusted his broken glasses. "Having beetles do sumo seems to have become very popular lately."

"Come on, teach me," Kagura whined.

"Yeah, I'm listening, I'm listening."

"Not I'm listening, but teach me."

"Kagura," she pouted and glanced over at you. "If you're so desperate to defeat... uh, another beetle? I think I can teach you if you want. I'm sure if we work together, we can catch something."

"Really?!" Kagura pushed Gintoki off the couch and grabbed your wrists, "Then let's go now!"

"Hold on, hold on!" you looked over to the boys and loudly exclaimed, "I heard that beetles can be sold at a high price. Maybe even enough to buy a brand new car. Let's go catch one without them, Kagura!" The boys' heads twitched and they both looked at you; their eyes were sparkling at the sound of being rich.


"Beetle hunting time!" It wasn't Kagura who shouted that, but Gintoki this time. It seems like he was entranced by bounty put on the beetles. He went so far as to follow you guys to the local forest.

You and the Yorozuya had changed into lighter clothing, with the exception of Kagura still in her Chinese styled outfit. You and the boys wore a Jinbei, Gintoki's being a shade of blue, yours a shade of [colour] and Shinpachi had a white shirt with blue linings and grey long pants.

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