Chapter 2.

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He gazed at the woman, eyes widening the more he listened.

"Are you sure?" Logan asked worry etched unto his face. 

"Yes, if there's a problem we can talk after the rehearsal itself and I'll see if you can be moved" The wedding planner stated eyes fixed on her clipboard.

"Are you okay with that Riley?"

"I- I wanna stay with you"

"I know, but we can discuss it with her afterwards, it's just for the dress rehearsal, okay?"

He wanted to protest but saw the desperate look in his brother's eyes and decided against it, biting his lip he looked down at his feet with a small nod. They had just been told that Riley was in the fourth row on the right side of the aisle, whilst Logan was on the left. Though he'd have Beth on the same side, she was in the first row. 

His brother led him to his seat then stayed with him until they were almost ready to start.

"Just focus on your breathing and try to ignore anyone that talks to you"

"I'll be fine" He lied.

Nodding Logan got to his feet then went to his own seat.

He kept his gaze on his hands as they rubbed themselves together, a nervous habit he had developed after years of dealing with his social anxiety. The pills only helped him slightly, but whenever he was by himself a wave of panic always washed over him. Not wanting to embarrass or draw attention to himself he tried to follow his brother's instructions, but nothing was working.

The oxygen in the room seemed to be depleting and his eyes blurred with unshed tears. 

"C-come on Riley" He pleaded quietly. "Come on"

"Breathe" The simple word was whispered in his ear, he didn't even notice that someone had sat next to him. 

"Hey listen to me. Breathe"

Looking up he was met with the most beautiful hazel eyes he'd ever seen. Slowly he glanced down at the person's lips trying to follow their breathing pattern.

In. Out.

In. Out.

After doing this a few times, he found he was calming down.

"Good, keep going. You're still shaking"

Soon it was all over. 

"T-thank you" His voice was barely above a whisper, but the man next to him heard it.

"You're welcome"

Then he turned to look at his phone. 

Riley used that time to observe the man next to him. He had dark hair done in a neat fade, hazel eyes that had blue and green streaks flitting around in them, a straight nose leading down to thin rose-pink lips. 

Though he was seated, Riley could tell the man was tall and his broad shoulders took up the entire chair leaning slightly on the young boy's seat as well. He looked a bit uncomfortable as he had to pull his legs up so as not to touch the person in front of him. 

He was muscular, that much Riley could tell through the fitted Burberry suit he wore, all in all this man was large, especially compared to the young boy who was barely 5'4 inches with a small, petite frame. He had taken after his mother, somehow inheriting the wide hips, tiny waist and a butt that was too big to belong to a male. 

As soon as the man turned to face him, Riley quickly averted his eyes and gazed at his hands once more.

"Do you like to read?"

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