Chapter 83.

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The blonde stuffed his face into his daddy's neck as he sat on his lap on the couch.

Facing them was his father who was still kneeling on the floor with a broken expression on his face, and James who looked more worried than anything.

Clearing his throat James started in a low voice.

"First, Riley I want to apologize for everything that has happened thus far. I was so... so blinded by love- or what I thought was love to see anything else that was happening around me. I can't believe I said those things... Did those things and to my own nephew at that-
I uh spoke to Samuel, both of us did"

He gestured to Jon who still paid them no attention his gaze fixed on his wife who was seated far away not sparing him a glance.

"I can't believe we were so blind. In my life it seems all I've done is hurt the people around me. But not anymore, I'm sorry, from the bottom of my heart. I'm so sorry for everything. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make up for it"

The room fell silent, before Logan finally spoke up.

"Who's Samuel?"

"He's your grandfather"
James replied slowly.

"Grandfather? He's alive?"
Landon queried gazing at their father who had not been following along.

James took the chance to give a short overview of their lives as well as the missing pieces that had only been filled in a few days ago.

Saying it out loud made him feel even worse than when he heard the story from his own father's lips. He felt rotten and had almost been driven to insanity when he realized most of his childhood had been a lie. That he missed out on all of those father son moments because of bigotry.

The same bigotry he had allowed his nephew to experience at the hands of the woman he really came to speak about today.

"I know it's awful and I wish I had the time to allow you all to process this, but I came here for a more pressing matter"

"What could be more pressing than finding out we were ostracized from our own grandfather because of your mistakes?"

James flinched at the hostility coming off of Logan but spat out a single word that had everyone tuning in


Even Jon woke up from his stupor to face his younger brother.

"What happened?"

He chucked the bag, that no one had seemed to notice, from his back and opened it before spilling its contents unto the table.

There they saw stacks upon stacks of photographs. They were pictures of a room that was filled with other pictures.

"What's this?"

Nikolai queried leaning as far as he could with Riley in his arm.

"I followed her, God that sounds crazy but after talking to Samuel it felt like everything was so clear. I noticed how absent-minded she was, how resentful, she's barely home and we haven't-been-intimate since the restraining order. When I thought about it the longer we were together the more she made being with me seem like a chore.

Anyway I'm straying from the point, I followed her to an apartment 2 hours from home, and when she left I picked the lock and went inside, the only benefits of being a brat when I was younger. I stumbled upon all of these photos, it honestly scared the shit out of me and I finally realized that everything you tried to tell me was true. I didn't want to take anything and let her know I was there so I just took some pictures"

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