Chapter 16.

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Riley blushed profusely when he realized what he'd done.

"You're gonna have to come out at some point"

"No, I'm never leaving this car" He whined.

"Riley it's not that bad I swear"

"Not that bad? I'm in my pjs. Why didn't you tell me to change?"

"Honestly I was so excited that you said yes I hadn't even noticed"

"Well, Hailey there's no way I'm going inside. If you could take me home that would be lovely"

"Are you really going to leave me by myself?"

"Yes and by the way who doesn't bring their coats with them while they're travelling?"

"Obviously you don't" She retorted giving the boy a playful glare.

Nodding he looked out the window.

"Fair point"

"Come on it's almost 2 in the afternoon I'm sure everyone's at work or having lunch"

"There will still be receptionists and bell boys and with my luck the manager himself will be there. Also I can see people walking in and out from here"

"Why are you even in pyjamas?"

"I wasn't planning on leaving my room today"

"Collin give me your jacket" Hailey sighed motioning to the driver.

Without argument the tall, burly man shrugged out of his suit jacket and handed it to his boss.

She tossed the article of clothing to Riley who hesitated before putting it on. It was long enough to cover his silk pyjama shorts and matching top.


He nodded before getting out and following behind the blonde woman. There was indeed a lot of people inside, so Riley did his best to keep his head low and they basically bolted to the elevator.

Hailey declined assistance from the bell man and instead helped the younger with his luggage.

Surprisingly the elevator was empty and they quickly closed the doors not wanting anyone else could enter.

They ended up at the penthouse suite which was the only room on the top floor.

Hailey pulled out her keys and opened the door.

"Ooh this is pretty"

The younger gawked walkinh around the grand foyer, the living room and the kitchen. There were stairs which Riley assumed led to the bedroom, but he decided to wait until Hailey brought him up there.

"Do you want some water?"

"Can I have some apple juice please?"

"You still love that?"

He giggled with a nod and she made her way into the kitchen to get him his juice.

His luggage was placed on the couch and Riley took a seat next to it.

"Okay so, you're helping me with dinner I'm thinking some kind of pasta"

She handed him a glass of the delicious drink.

"Oh yes, I haven't had pasta in forever"

"Great, I'll show you to your room. We xan both take a shower then meet back here in fifteen I can't believe you haven't showered all day"

"Hey don't judge me" he whined with a pout.

"Don't pout"

She laughed in his face, but he was too busy blushing to be angry. Her words had inadverently reminded him of Nikolai who would always scold him for pouting.

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