A small whimper left his lips as he gazed at the man before him
"You need me don't you?"
Turning his head to the side, he clamped his lips shut trying so desperately to stop the words that wanted to come out.
"Just admit it, you'll feel a lot better...
With a sigh Riley closed down his laptop before diving on to the bed. He was finally done with all his exams and the younger couldn't be happier.
He sent a text to Emily- who was sight seeing in Scotland trying to gain inspiration for her book- letting her know that he was all done and free for the rest of the summer. They spoke everyday since he departure and she had been one of his biggest motivators whilst he was studying.
Afterwards he checked his chat with Nikolai and saw a single message that had him flying up and to the bathroom.
Prepare to travel, I'll be there in 15. ~Nikolai
He almost fell a total of 18 times as he tried to get everything done in 15 minutes: pack, take a shower, wash his hair, get dressed and clean up after himself.
Breathing heavily he stood after pulling on his black boots that complimented his matching skirt and burgundy top.
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He jumped at the sound of chuckling coming from his doorway.
"That was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen"
With wide eyes he finally looked up to see Nikolai looking directly at him, a lazy smile etched unto his perfect lips.
"H-how long have you been here?"
"I've been here since you were in the shower. You were so frazzled you ran past me- several times"
"Oh no" Riley pouted before hiding his face in his hands, he was so embarrassed.
"Hey baby, don't be shy you were so adorable. Do you know that you nibble on your lip when you're concentrating really hard?"
Nikolai pulled Riley's hands away from his face before wrapping them around his own waist.
"Shh, I don't wanna hear" The blonde whined pressing his face to Nikolai's chest whilst pulling him closer. "And stop laughing it's not that funny"
"Oh it was hilarious, I've warned you multiple times about running haven't I?"
"Mm, I'm sorry"
"It's okay" He smiled placing a kiss on the younger's head.
"Where are we going?"
"That my little prince is a surprise"
He could already feel excitement bubbling inside of him. He loved surprises.
"Let's go now daddy, I wanna see"
"Alright, alright" He chuckled before allowing the younger to pull him out the door. "Baby you're leaving your things"
Blushing Riley ran back into the room, grabbed his bags then headed out the door.