"Send a message when you're ready, I'll have a driver pick you up if I can't leave okay?"
Riley nodded at his daddy's words then gave him a chaste kiss that Nikolai deepened before releasing him.
In a daze Riley gazed at the man's lips wanting to feel them on his once more, but the older only chuckled and sent him on his way giving the little no choice but to exit the vehicle with a secret pout.
Standing on the sidewalk, Riley glanced around for a moment, feeling eyes on him watching his every move. He looked back at the car and smiled realizing it was probably his daddy waiting for him to go inside. He gave a wave to the tinted windows then opened the door of the cafe and heading in.
Nikolai waited until his love was out of sight then he allowed the driver to pull away.
Riley caught sight of the back of Hailey's head and made his way over to the table. She had already been nursing a cup of black coffees and jumped when the blonde sat before her.
She mumbled."Look before we get started, I'm not mad at you, you had already told me you were poly, so I understand. What I don't understand is why no one told me that my brother and my best friend were sleeping together?"
She sighed then chuckled nervously
"Honestly, we were still trying to figure out our dynamic. Plus, we didn't exactly get off to the best start"
"What do you mean?"
They were cut off by a waiter joining the table, Hailey waited for Riley to order a hot chocolate before continuing.
"So umm- please don't think less of me or your brother it just- it just kind of happened. I'm not even too sure how it started one minute I was dating Alfie and the next I was exchanging glances with your brother across the room, then I went to your house and we kinda, sorta kissed but th-"
"Wait, wait, wait slow down. Are you telling me that you cheated on Alfie with Logan?"
Glancing down at her mug, Hailey gave a small nod.
"It was just once I swear, only that one kiss I told Alfie about it the very next day"
"Oh my God, start from the beginning"
"What's the strongest drink you have here?"
Hailey sighed running a hand through her chocolate locks that had already began to show signs of distress as she had been pawing at it all day."Golden Grain 190"
The bartender responded flipping a towel over his shoulder."Give me a bottle"
"Uh I can get you a glass"
"Sir, by the time I'm done ordering I'll have had the whole bottle anyway so let's not waste each other's time, okay?"
With a shrug the bartender reached on the top shelf and grabbed the clear bottle before handing it over with a glass.
"Thanks... Marc"
She smiled squinting at the white name tag.
"That's an odd name for a bartender, but not my business"Then she was making her way to a table in the corner to drink her frustrations away. Her parents had called for the hundredth time, asking... Demanding she come home and take over her responsibilities.
She loved them, but she still felt she wasn't ready, being a CEO was a far cry from being a model. Thinking of this she took her first shot
She hissed at the sting of the alcohol as it slid down her throat.
"I'm gonna die if I have too much of this"

His Seduction
RomanceA small whimper left his lips as he gazed at the man before him "You need me don't you?" Turning his head to the side, he clamped his lips shut trying so desperately to stop the words that wanted to come out. "Just admit it, you'll feel a lot better...