Chapter 4.

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His breath caught in his throat as the familiar raspy voice called his attention, turning immediately Riley was greeted by the site of a neatly dressed Nikolai Cirillo.

Today he wore a red, velvet suit with a black turtleneck and a simple gold chain. His hair was once again in a neat, low fade, and his wrist was adorned with a gold watch of an unfamiliar, yet obviously expensive brand.

 His hair was once again in a neat, low fade, and his wrist was adorned with a gold watch of an unfamiliar, yet obviously expensive brand

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"Mr. Cirillo" His voice came out breathy and soft.

"How are you?"

"I-I'm okay. You?"

"I'm doing well" He gave a curt nod to Logan who was watching their interaction intently.

The brunette returned the greeting, before turning to his little brother.

"Will you be okay with him I need to run to the bathroom before they begin?"

"I-I'll be okay" Riley stated eyes never leaving his hands which were once again rubbing vigorously against each other.

"I'll check on you before I go to my seat"

With another nod in Nikolai's direction Logan disappeared.

Large, warm hands held his own ceasing his movements.

"Don't do that, you'll rub your skin raw"

"Sorry" He mumbled.

"You look beautiful" 

"Thank you, umm, you look nice as well" He smiled as blood rushed to his cheeks.

"Let's go inside"

He followed beside the large man, hands now enveloped in one of his. 

As soon as they made it through the door all eyes were on them, Riley tried to regulate his breathing which was becoming erratic under the gaze of the other guests.

Before he could have a meltdown he was pulled into a broad chest, and led to his seat.

He felt the menacing aura again, though it wasn't directed at him it still sent a chill down his spine.

"Breathe Riley"

"I-I'm trying, but I c-can't"

"Yes you can, focus on me, listen to my voice and follow my instructions"

Nodding he stuffed his face further into Nikolai's taking that first deep breath, the older man smelled like coconut products and a very expensive, yet mild cologne. He fell in love with the aroma immediately taking a few more deep breaths and releasing on time with Nikolai's commands.

In record time he was calm again.


He nodded in response keeping his head burrowed in the man's jacket.


"Yes sir, I'm feeling a lot better"


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