"I can't believe I forgot, my father's gonna kill me"
Riley groaned as he paced around the room.
"Well it's not like the ball is tomorrow right, you guys will be heading home the day after tomorrow and the ball is on Sunday night so you still have time"
"You're right, it's just that I didn't wanna leave so soon"
He grumbled before belly flopping unto the bed next to Alfie.
"You guys can always come back"
"Mm, I guess"
"So I heard that you were living in France for the last few years. Do you speak any french?"
"A little. I'm not fluent but I can get my way around"
"Say something"
"Uhh j'ai faim"
"What's that?"
"I'm hungry"
"That's so cool"
Alfie said with an awestruck expression on his little face."Yeah, except I'm actually hungry"
Both boys ran down the stairs and to the kitchen.
"I'll cook this time"
Alfie grimaced and with a slight chuckle Riley sat around the island and watched the older.
He wasn't as graceful as Nikolai, but he still looked at home in the kitchen.
"Do you like cooking?"
"Hm? Oh yeah, it takes my mind off of things"
"Like what?"
"Oh, uh Nikolai told me that you're a little"
The egg in Alfie's hand fell to the floor, and smashed startling both boys.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"He told you?"
"Y-yeah, don't worry I'm one too"
"You are?" Alfie queried with a small sigh of relief.
"I'm guessing it's not obvious"
"I mean, I kinda guessed it but I don't like to assume things"
Riley went to help the older to clean up the mess he made.
"I'll do it, you can keep cooking"
"Do you wanna have a play date some time with my friend Emily and I?"
"Yeah that would be great, I've never had one before"
"Awesome, just let me know when you're free I'll have Nikolai set it up"
"I will"
They finished up in the kitchen and went to the living room to eat whilst watching Tom and Jerry again. There were so many episodes and both were addicted.
"Who's your favourite character?"
Alfie asked with a mouth full of waffles."How do you even choose? They're both brats"
"So you don't like either of them?"
"No I love them both and Spike he's so cute"
"Agreed, but personally I prefer Jerry"
"I can totally understand that"
They giggled quietly before refocusing on the cartoon.

His Seduction
RomanceA small whimper left his lips as he gazed at the man before him "You need me don't you?" Turning his head to the side, he clamped his lips shut trying so desperately to stop the words that wanted to come out. "Just admit it, you'll feel a lot better...