"Anyway, welcome to our 5th anual charity ball, if you don't know who I am then that's pretty odd as I'm the one who wrote the guest list and made sure you had something to do tonight besides sitting behind a desk with documents piling up higher than the eiffel tower"
Light chuckling followed and even Riley smiled at his mother's charisma.
"I also assisted with that list dear"
Jon playfully grumbled."Yes, but I did most of it"
"You did not"
This lead to the audience once again chuckling at their playful banter. Riley smiled, this is how he remembered his parents.
Happy, laughing... In love.
He ruined that.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine" he smiled not meeting his daddy's eyes.
Nikolai could sense that Riley really didn't want to talk about it, so he gave a nod a refocused on the couple on the stage.
"... Okay so the first part of our program is a little performance. Stay in your seats guys this promises to be a good one"
Marissa finished up before exiting the platform with a little help from her husband.
The lights dimmed and soon there were dancers entering the stage.
It took a while but Riley wouldn't recognize those skills anywhere. As he was the least talented person on earth he had naturally gravitated towards the arts.
Though he couldn't do it himself he was more than happy to watch.
Before him were the Joffrey Ballet dancers.
Their bodies moved so perfectly in sync and they were so expressive.
He had never seen them in person, he wondered how his parents even got them to come here, then he cast that thought aside knowing his mother would go to ends of the earth to get what she wanted.
Even if it was the president himself.
He sighed.Nikolai hadn't noticed how captivated his lover was until that moment.
He was also one for the arts, though he leaned more towards paintings and sculptures, he could still appreciate a good Broadway show, or dance number every now and again.
However watching the eyes of his little boy follow each and every move made by the dancers before him, he knew he would have to get into it a little more.
They were moving through the program rather steadily.
There had been a song, a small projected video clip of the children at the hospital they would be helping and currently they were listening to one of the doctors from said facilities give an overview of the situation.
"... Finally I want to say a big thank you to everyone who is here, contributing to our future. A child that you save now, could possibly be the doctor who finds a cure for cancer, or the next soldier to fight for our country, or even if they don't make it. At least we tried and they were happy in their last moments.
Thanks for being a part of that and thanks for giving so willingly. Have a beautiful night everyone"
She gave a small smile before lifting the hem of her silver dress and making her way off of the stage receiving some help from Jon on the way who was going to take her place.
"Now that you know who you're helping, are you all ready to break open those wallets?"
Rung out in the building and countless items were wheeled unto the stage."Okay let's start with..."
They went on and on listing items that had been donated from many of the prestigious families that sat in the very room they were currently in.
There were also rewards like tickets to foreign countries which included fully covered vacation days at resorts and guest houses etc.
Nothing had caught Riley's eye and that disappointed him as he had hoped to give to the charity in need today, and he didn't mind having something new in his possession.
"See anything you like love?"
"No" He pouted and Nikolai couldn't help but chuckle before leaning down to kiss his jutted out lip.
"What did I say about pouting, hmm?"
Riley blushed.
"Are you?"
A hand settle on the younger's dress above his thigh. His breath caught in his throat but he tried his best not to make any noise as the room was filled with people.
Though Nikolai wasn't touching his skin as the dress had a number of layers, Riley could somehow feel the heat radiating from the older man's palm and it sent a pleasant feeling coursing through him.
Whilst people were focusing on the stage and bidding Nikolai bent until his hand was almost touching the floor then he slipped it under the end of the blonde's dress and trailed his fingers slowly up the boy's stocking clad legs until he was once again in his original position; however , this time with his fingers outlining the edges of Riley's panties.
Said boy gripped his wine glass before attempting to take a sip.
"You're so adorable when you're all flushed and flustered"
A small whimper escaped his lips and he bit his lip to stiffle any other sounds thag were bubbling up inside him.
He glanced around for a second before placing his own hand on Nikolai's thigh.
With widened eyes the older turned to look at his baby who had steadily been growing more bold.
It was no doubt exciting and he couldn't help, but feel proud and admittedly a little aroused.
Riley who was nervous beyond belief kept his eyes trained on the empty plate before him whilst manuevering his hands across Nikolai's thigh and up to his covered member.
His movements were slow, but filled with purpose as he rubbed the enlarging print.
"Don't start something you can't finish love"
"I-I can finish it"
He whispered more to himself, but of course Nikolai heard."Oh?"
He immediately pulled his hand away from the younger before standing and pulling him to his feet.
No one even notice as the bidding became more intense and the couple snuck away to the restroom.
"Oh no little boy, there's no getting out of this"
Riley could feel the growing excitement attached with something so... Public.
After taking almost two minutes to inspect the spotless restroom, Nikolai pulled Riley into one of the stalls.
"On your knees"
Pulling his lower lip into his lip Riley carefully slid unto the floor before gazing up at Nikolai through his lashes.
"How do you always look so sinful yet innocent at the same time?"
Without waiting for instructions Riley moved his face closer to Nikolai's crotch before nuzzling it.
"Sadly we don't have the time, next time however I will take my time wrecking your mouth. For now... Make me cum"...
1129 words...
I swear y'all are so patient with me...
This has been two of the most stressful weeks of my life.
Anyway here you go.

His Seduction
RomanceA small whimper left his lips as he gazed at the man before him "You need me don't you?" Turning his head to the side, he clamped his lips shut trying so desperately to stop the words that wanted to come out. "Just admit it, you'll feel a lot better...