Riley tapped his fingers rythmically against the hardwood whilst staring at the screen of his laptop.
He needed a solution and fast.
Somehow he had made the headlines along with Nikolai. Someone had take pictures of them at the store, there was even a few of them hugging.
He could only imagine how Nikolai was reacting, as he knew how much the man valued his privacy.
Sighing he nibbled on his bottom lip trying to figure out how he would deal with the attention that was sure to be on him.
Tears of frustration blurred his vision and he had to choke back a sob. He couldn't even talk to a cashier at a supermarket let alone the hoard of reporters that were readying to surround his house.
"Come on Riley, come on. What did doctor Fallon say?"
He tried to recall the methods his therapist had tried to implement, but he came up blank.
If he was going to help Nikolai deal with this, then he'd need some form of coping mechanism.
Nodding, he wiped the tears from his eyes and typed away on his computer searching for ways to combat his anxiety even in public.
40 minutes later and he was even more frustrated. The methods mentioned were ones that he had already tried, or couldn't do in any given situation.
As he was about to give up, two words caught his eye.
Having never heard of it before Riley immediately clicked on the site and for the rest of the evening he read and absorbed as much as he could.
He was hooked.
Almost everything about little space appealed to him, somehow it felt as if he'd finally found something he lost years ago.
He wanted this.
He needed it.
But, how does one even begin to do it?
Riley knew within himself that he was not an age regressor, but according to every website he didn't have to be.
After deciding to give the subject more thought in his free time he closed the lid of his device and went to take a shower.
He got dressed in a cute, silk bralette and matching shorts.
Opening the door he bumped into his mother who was passing by.
"Sorry mama"
"It's quite fine dear"
He heard the slight trembling in her voice and looked to her eyes to see them red and puffy.
"What's going on?"
"Nothing, just watched one too many Nicholas Sparks movies"
She was lying he knew that, but decided not to pry. He just hoped it wasn't because of him.
"Mama, do you guys still have my old baby stuff?"
"What do you mean?"
"Just like old blankets and sippy cups stuff like that"
"Oh yes, even some of your pacifiers. You loved those after we took them away from you, you sucked your thumb for another two years before finding other habits"
"Yeah, I could never get reid of those things. I have all of your sibling's things as well. Except clothes, I gave those away"

His Seduction
RomanceA small whimper left his lips as he gazed at the man before him "You need me don't you?" Turning his head to the side, he clamped his lips shut trying so desperately to stop the words that wanted to come out. "Just admit it, you'll feel a lot better...