Chapter 86.

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Was it really her?

The woman before them was almost unrecognizable, her once passionate eyes were red and glassy as though she hadn't slept for weeks on end. Her fiery red hair that used to be full and luscious was now stringy and there were patches missing, a tell tale sign that she had pulled them from her head in separate fits of rage.

Contrary to her usually style of skirts and dresses she was clothed in a grey oversized hoodie, black jeans and doc martens.

Riley had to admit that this was the worse he had ever seen her look, even though she was a wolf in sheep's clothing her style was usually a cross between an elegant housewife and a sexy nepo baby.

Now, she seemed to be a shell of her former self.

Driven crazy by greed, narcissim and something much deeper- much scarier.

Following the drooping shoulder of the sweater and down to her hands the blonde gasped softly at the sight of a small black hand gun gripped tightly between her slim fingers.

She was already holding the trigger as though toying with the idea of pulling it.

The blonde knew he was a thorn in her side, but this was his first time fully understanding just how crazy she was.

"How could you do this to me?"
She seethed, gazing at Nikolai as though he was the only man- the only person in the world.

Her voice was scratchy and hoarse from screaming, she couldn't help herself after being taunted by the sight of Riley and Nikolai parading around town as though they were... In love.

"Rachel, I have done nothing to you. You're the one who is terrorizing me and the people around me"

Nikolai was calm as he faced her not moving from his seated position.

His gaze was cold and calculating as he kept an eye on her movements. He wasn't fond of that woman having a weapon this close to his beloved.

"I haven't terrorized anyone"

"Oh, then what do you call what you've done? Stalking, threatening-"

"I gave him a few warnings and the bitch ran behind you and the law like a fucking coward! But- but can't you see that it's a trick, he's tricking you I have to save you"

"Save me from what?"

"From him!"
She screamed pointing the hand with the gun at Riley.
"He's a parasite, a freak who is manipulating you. You belong with me- you belong to me"

"No, I don't. I don't belong to anyone Rachel, I am my own person and you need to understand that"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Listen to me goddammit you're mine! Everything I did was for you, he doesn't deserve to be by your side, I do! He stole you from me I'm the one who should be with you why can't you see that?! Huh?! Why are you all so fucking blind?! This is wrong! He's not even a woman!"

"And thank God for that because I'm gay, not bi, not pan, I'm just gay"
Nikolai stated enunciating every words as though trying to force her to understand.

"You're lying, you-you're lying. Why are you lying?"
Though her voice was lowered to a whisper it sent a chill down the spine of everyone who heard it.

"I'm not lying to you Rachel, I have always been like this. At no point was I interested in you"

For a moment silence engulfed the room and her eyes that were filled with unbridled fury snapped up to the blonde who hadn't said a word since she entered.

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