Chapter 6

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*Arcana Sanctum 

*Evan/My POV

We were sailing around the Arcana Sanctum when we saw Siren Ships in the distance. 

"Careful, a Siren guard fleet has appeared." Gremyashchy alerted us.  

"Seriously? We cleaned out this place not that long ago..." Murmansk protested. 

"Those look like some seriously outdated models." I remarked. 

"The enemy models in the Arcana Sanctum have never been upgraded. They're the exact same as they first were when this place was discovered decades ago. Let's end this quickly! Uraaa!" Kirov shouted her battlecry before engaging the sirens with the rest of the Northern Parliament shipgirls. 

"Lady Forbin, Le Triomphant. Engage." I commanded. 

"Come on Le Triomphant." Lady Forbin urged before both of them jumped into the sea. 

*Third Person POV 

Belorussiya fired a salvo at the siren ships, sinking some of them while the other Northern Parliament shipgirls charged forward to try and score some torpedo hits. 

"Vperod!" Murmansk fired her torpedoes before quickly retreating. Unfortunately, all of the torpedoes missed. 

"Take this! Unity is strength!" Gromky fired her torpedoes, sinking some of the siren ships in the process. 

"Out of the way." Gremyashchy fired her torpedoes and like Gromky, managed to sink some of the siren ships in the process. 

"Fire all cannons! Don't stop shooting!" Tallinn fired her guns and torpedoes at the siren ships, hitting and sinking some of them. 

"Kirov reporting!" Kirov fired her torpedoes. 

Le Triomphant and Forbin entered the battle and finished off the remaining siren ships. 

"Amazing sword fighting Comrades." Belorussiya commented.

The fleet made its way to a massive iceberg, easily dispatching the enemies in the way. It is said that this iceberg is the only facility here with an internal structure, and also houses the "Gate." 

"This place is where we first recovered some truly revolutionary information. Isn't it spectacular, Comrade? The first time, we had to fight our way here. Countless comrades became martyrs in these very waters before we finally managed to clear out the swarming Siren forces. But considering what we got out of it... their sacrifices were not in vain." Kirov remarked.

"It can be said that what we discovered here was a turning point for fate. The intelligence we recovered from here was the reason why the Northern Parliament, then on the verge of collapse, managed to hold its tattered line of defense and then claw its way back into becoming one of the major world powers today. But that's not all. We also discovered a sliver of the Sirens' secrets..." Belorussiya pointed out. 

"The Sirens' secrets...?" Evan asked. 

"What I'm about to tell you has never been made public. After so much information has been leaked, we've completely lost trust in the ability of the Naval HQ to maintain confidentiality, but we do think you need to know this information." Belorussiya replied. 

"I'm guessing that I need to keep this a secret from the Naval HQ?" Evan asked. 

"That's not our intent, no. However, I do hope that after listening to everything, you will utilize your best judgment in deciding what to disclose. All the information you learn in the Arcana Sanctum today should be treated in that manner." Belorussiya replied. 

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