Chapter 53

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*Evan/My POV

Souryuu META dashed towards us in rage, mercilessly beating up any shipgirls she saw. She beat Le Triomphant and Lady Forbin up and is now heading towards maestrale.

Ticonderoga tried to stop her by launching planes to attack her but Souryuu META threw a card at her that caused her to be injured. Upon seeing this carnage onboard Aquila's production ship, I put down my binoculars.

"Looks like I'm going." I said as I grabbed my Staff of First Dawn and left the bridge with Mir following behind me.

"My commander, where are you going?" Aquila asked behind me but I ignored her and left anyway.

Meanwhile, Maestrale was easily beaten up by Souryuu META. She was about to make her way to Maestrale to finish her off when an energy blast came out of nowhere and hit Souryuu META.

Souryuu META turned and saw Mir and I on the flight deck of Aquila's production ship.

"You bastard. For that I'll kill you first." Souryuu META said before dashing towards me and jumping up to the flight deck of Aquila's production ship.

*Kenneth POV

"Evan." I said after seeing what was happening through my binoculars.

*Evan/My POV

The two of us stared at each for a moment before Souryuu META started to attack by throwing cards at me. I countered by dodging and using counter magic to counter the attacks. A card slashed through my pants, making a cut and exposing my leg.

"Grahhh!" Souryuu META screamed as she kept throwing cards at me but I either dodged them or used counter magic to nullify them. After awhile, Souryuu META started digging around her clothes.

"Master. She's recharging. Now's the time to attack." Mir said beside me.

"wakatta." I said before spinning my Staff of First Dawn around and retaliating with Arcane and Ice magic.

"Grrrr." Souryuu META growled before taking out a few cards and throwing them at me.

*Kenneth POV

I watched the battle between Evan and Souryuu META through binoculars on board San Francisco's production ship. My Sky Edge Lance is ready in the event Evan needs backup.

"Enjoying the free lights show pudding?" San Francisco went beside me and asked.

"You can say that." I replied.

"Your subordinate looks like he's holding well in this fight." San Francisco remarked.

"That's Evan to you. He's the magical expert in the group.'' I replied.

"Ooh. Is he some sort of magician?" San Francisco asked.

"He's not just a magician. He's an Onyx Dragon Master." I replied.

"Wowsah. Didn't know that." San Francisco remarked before going off to act like one of the 'How to Train your Dragon' characters.

*Evan/My POV

Souryuu META and I launched a card and an ice shard at each other respectively. The card slashed my left arm, creating a deep cut. I held my left arm tightly to attempt to ease the pain. After the pain subsided, I tried to move my left arm but the pain came back everytime I moved it.

On the bright side, the ice shard that I casted at Souryuu META got impaled in her right thigh. Now the two of us are glaring at each other with Souryuu META making angry grunts. Her eyes were widened and her pupils were small.

Souryuu META pulled out the ice shard that was impaled in her right thigh and threw it aside. She drew a katana and struggled to stand up.

*Kenneth POV

"Jet burner!" I exclaimed as I used my sky edge lance to fly to the Production ship of Evan's Aquila after seeing what's happening.

*Evan/My POV

"Looks like Souryuu META still wants to continue fighting. Mir!" I exclaimed.

"Roger!" Mir exclaimed as he flew up to get ready for me to turn him back to his original size. After I stood up, a gust of wind pushed Souryuu META overboard into the water.

"Looks like I made it just in the nick of time." A familiar voice caught my attention and I looked up to see Admiral Kenneth landing on the flight deck of Aquila's production ship using his lance.

"Am i glad to see you Sir." I said. Another voice caught our attention and we went to the side of the ship to see Souryuu META pointed her katana at us.

"DaMn YoU. dOn'T iTeRrUpT oUr FiGhT." Souryuu META cursed before collapsing due to the injury left behind by the ice shard I casted at her. Souryuu META was so focused on us that she failed to notice a certain Iowa class battleship sneaking up on her.

"Roar forth! Black... Dragon... Buster!!!" Admiral Kenneth's new jersey exclaimed as she unleashed a powerful salvo that sort of finished off Souryuu META. After the smoke cleared, Souryuu META was nowhere to be seen. "Did I get her?" Admiral Kenneth's new jersey asked.

"No you didn't. She got away." the mystery girl replied as the blood-red sky turned back to the familiar blue color.

"Is everything over now?" Maestrale slowly went up to us and asked.

"Looks like it." I replied.

"Everything's fine now. The Mirror Sea is finally dissipating." the mystery girl said.

"I've had it with this teleporting and dimension-travelling thing... I need a hug..." Ticonderoga said. The mystery girl looked around for a moment before speaking.

"I guess this is where we part ways..." the mystery girl spoke.

"Wait! Tell me more about the ashes!" Admiral Kenneth stopped her.

"There are some things you are not yet meant to know. Just as there are many things I still do not know about you." the mystery girl replied before turning to Admiral Kenneth's Helena. "Enjoy the time you have with your Commander, and try to be happy... the other "me."" the mystery girl said.

"Are you talking to me?" Admiral Kenneth's Helena asked and the mystery girl nodded her head.

"Goodbye." The mystery girl said her goodbyes and left.

"And there she goes." I remarked as we watched the mystery girl sail off into the distance.

"We're really just going to let her go like that? She might've helped us out a whole bunch, but she's still connected to the Ashes!" Admiral Kenneth's new jersey protested.

"Maybe but I have too many questions. I need to think first about how to treat them." Admiral Kenneth replied.

"Sir. if there's nothing else for me, then I'll head back to my base. I need to treat my left arm." I said.

"Go do that. Take care Evan. you are dismissed." Admiral Kenneth approved before dismissing me.

Extra scene

*Evan/My POV

"Looks like Souryuu META still wants to continue fighting. Mir!" I exclaimed.

"Roger!" Mir exclaimed as he flew up to get ready for me to turn him back to his original size. As I stood up, my phone in my pants vibrated and I heard a voice.

"Baka! What are you two doing? Get out of there! It's not that I care about you or anything!" the voice of a certain tsundere goddess ran into my head. I ignored it and stood up.

Before I could turn Mir back to his original size, a gust of wind pushed Souryuu META overboard into the water

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