Chapter 65

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*Energy reactor room of the Orochi MK II

*Evan POV

We stared at Shinano for a moment before she decided to make her first move by launching planes at us. Aquila and Bearn launched fighters to counter them while the rest fired their anti air guns to shoot them down

Suruga: Lady Shinano it's us! we've come to rescue you

Shinano didn't respond but kept launching aircraft at us

Veneto: it's no use. everyone! we must fight back otherwise we'll be killed at this rate

Evan: And risk killing her? No, i can't afford to attack one of my shipgirls let alone kill her

Shimakaze: There has to be another way

Algerie: What if we just knock Lady Shinano out with our attacks and then bring her back to try and free her from the siren's control

Evan: That's it! Everyone! Attack Shinano with weakened attacks! We just need to knock her out or at the very least, weaken her so that we can bring her back to base to try and free her from the siren's control

Evan's Shipgirls: Roger!

I grabbed my Staff of First Dawn and started charging it up with Arcane Magic

Evan: Shinano, this may hurt a little bit but please endure for now, Arcane Cannon!

I fired a high velocity projectile of Arcane Magic at Shinano, knocking her back and causing her to fall over but she recovered quickly

Veneto: Witness the Empire's prowess!

Veneto fired a salvo of HE and AP shells at Shinano, further weakening her. Eenraged, Shinano sent out more attack planes that bombed and strafed at us

Evan: Gah!!!!!

*Orochi MKII bridge

*Third Person POV

In the bridge of the Orochi MKII, Royston was laughing his ass off after watching Evan and his shipgirls suffer

Royston: Hahahaha! This is what you cunts get for peeing into my food supply and ruining my magnificent Orochi! Also, I hope you experience my feeling of losing to you, Evan

*Energy reactor room of the Orochi MK II

*Evan POV

I counter some of the bombs with my counter magic to convert the damage into mana for me to use more spells. After gaining enough mana, I charged up my Staff of First Dawn with Lightning/ Thunder magic and then aimed it at Shinano. Upon aiming it, a yellow magic circle appears below Shinano

Evan: Everyone get back! Lightning Strike!

An accurate and powerful lightning bolt struck Shinano from the air, damaging her and vaporizing the air surrounding her

Le Terrible: Bloom forth, Hallowed Iris!

Foch: Main guns fire!

Suruga: Wake up Lady Shinano! Come back to us!

Meanwhile, my shipgirls are busying firing weakened version of their attacks to bring Shinano to her knees so that we can take her back and restore her back to normal

*Orochi MKII Bridge

*Third Person POV

Humanoid Siren: Grand Admiral! Shinano is losing the fight

Royston: WHAT?

*Energy Reactor room of the Orochi MKII

*Evan POV

After taking a bunch of attacks from me and my shipgirls, Shinano was severely weakened but she is still able to fight. That leaves only one thing

Suruga: Everyone! Weaken your Final Salvoes! Let's save Lady Shinano

Evan's Shipgirls: Roger!

All of my shipgirls then turned to me

Evan's Shipgirls: Final Salvo Requested!!

I thumped my Staff of First Dawn on the ground

Evan: Final Salvo Approved! Explosively Suppress It!

Evan's Shipgirls: Roger!

My shipgirls got their riggings ready to execute their Final Salvoes

Veneto, Foch, Algerie, Le Terrible, Suruga, and Shimakaze: Laser Cannon!

Aquila and Bearn: Incinerating Air strike!

Veneto, Foch, Algerie, Le Terrible, Suruga, and Shimakaze ffired lasers from their cannons while Bearn and Aquila launched aircraft that dropped bombs on Shinano. The attacks knocked her out but did not kill her

Evan: Mission Clear! Let's bring Shinano back to base and try to turn her back to Normal

Evan's Shipgirls: Roger!

Before we could reach Shinano's body, Royston's video feed appeared

Royston: Get up Shinano!

Shinanos body was shocked as electric sparks momentarily appeared on her body trying to force her to get up and fight again

Royston: Get up you weak shipgirl! Go vanquish our enemies!

The electric shocks on Shinano's body became more intense as Shinano struggled to get up. it appears that Royston himself was causing the electric shocks on Shinano's body

Suruga: Lady Shinano!

Foch: This is just cruel

Veneto: Stop it you siren scum!

Royston: Shut up! This is my way of disciplining my shipgirls before Azur Lane kicked me out for no reason

Algerie: Disciplining? Looks more like torturing to me

Evan: No wonder you got fired from Azur Lane, Royston

With much difficulty, Shinano managed to stand up thanks to Royston's torture and prepared to face us yet again

Royston: Now vanquish our enemies!

Shinano opened her eyes in response and they glowed red

Royston: It's showtime! I'm curious on who will come out on top. Shinano's power or your magic, Evan

Evan: Why don't you come down here and fight? I know you're hiding somewhere in this Orochi

Royston: Don't be so impatient Evan. Our fight will come soon, just not today. For now, get ready for round 2

The video feed ended and Shinano summoned a swarm of butterflies at us

Evan: Look out!

The butterflies hit us, causing an explosion and creating smoke to cover us. Blue orbs emerged from the smoke as the smoke cleared, revealing a magic barrier covering me and my shipgirls. In addition, a magic circle is rotating beneath us. I reacted just in time to activate counter magic to protect my shipgirls and myself. Beside me, Mir is back to his original size as he gets ready to help me fight Shinano once again

Evan: You know the drill everyone. Weakened attacks

Evan's Shipgirls: Roger!

I thumped my Staff of First Dawn on the ground

Evan: Attack!

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