Chapter 97

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*station - mirror sea

*third person POV

The coaches of Big One stabled themselves at the station platform as Big One emitted some steam from its valves. Ryza lay slumped on Big One's cowcatcher, passed out from fright as her friends came over to check on her

Klaudia: Ryza are you okay?!

Patricia: answer us please!!

Ryza coughed from the steam being emitted from Big One

Ryza: I'm fine

Evan: what's all the commotion here?

Evan came out of Big One in his Sirius Platoon Uniform with his team as they made their way towards the front of Big One to investigate

Formidable: Ryza went down it to the tracks and was almost crushed by Big One

Evan: Bakanamo!! Do you have a death wish or something?! What were you doing on the tracks?!

Evan scolded Ryza for putting herself in danger

Ryza: sorry

Evna sighed before helping Ryza up

Evan: next time don't go down into the tracks. They're dangerous

Evan advised as he helped Ryza back up into the platform

Klaudia: thank goodness you're still alive

Klaudia went forward and hugged Ryza after she got back on the platform. After all the scoldings, Formidable introduced Evan and his team to the Ryza girls and they shook hands with one another

Formidable: Now that you're here commander, care to join us for some dinner?

Evan: Sure I guess

Alfredo then pulled Evan's arm

Alfredo: I'm hosting a dinner party aboard my production ship

Alfredo said as she dragged Evan towards her production ship


*Alfredo's production ship - mirror sea

*Evan POV

we're currently inside Alfredo's production ship, discussing about matters after meeting the girls from the other dimension. Since no one is there to look after Big One, I cast some spells and charms to seal it before we left

Ryza: that train or whatever you call it is named Big One?

Evan: Yes. I found it prior to joining Azur Lane. Once I stepped inside, Big One did some sort of ownership registration thing and marked me as its owner

Ryza: so that uniform

Evan: yes. Sirius Platoon uniform. Based on what the original Sirius Platoon wore

Evan (thoughts): I'm basically the next Schwanhelt Bulge

Klaudia: Commander, I see you casting some sort of magic around that thing of yours that fly. Are you some sort of magician or something?

Klaudia asked me snapping me out of my thoughts

Evan: well you can say that I'm a battle magician. Using offensive magic for combat

Klaudia: you're battle magician?

Evan: yes. also just call me Evan

Ryza: you're a magician?! does that mean you know alchemy too?

Ryza asked but I shook my head

Evan: unfortunately no I don't. I know how to brew some potions though. as for alchemy, no

we ate our food until it was time for bedtime

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