Chapter 87

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*Evan's Azur lane Base

*Evan POV

Noire: Oh. it's just a bunch of uniforms

Noire remarked as she rummaged through the contents of the cardboard box

Evan: Yes...

Noire: See? It's not so difficult to show me what inside the cardboard box

Evan: I know but...

I paused, deciding on whether to tell Noire the full story

Noire: But?

Noire raised an eyebrow after hearing me say "but"

Evan (thoughts): me and my big mouth.

Noire: Evan. You know that it's no good to keep your problems to yourself. if there's any problems bothering you right now, it's best that you tell me now. as your goddess and wife, i'll try to come up with solutions for your problems

Evan (thoughts): Might as well tell Noire since there's no point in hiding it anymore now that she knows something's up

I clenched the letter from The Director in my pocket as i prepared to say my words

Evan: Alright you got me. There's actually something bothering me currently

Noire: Let's hear it

I took a deep breath before starting

Evan: I don't know if these uniforms suit me. Like the nations these uniforms represent, the Iris Libre, the Vichya Dominion and the Sardegna Empire. I don't know if these nations suit me as I hadn't decided on which nation to specialise in before my Superior Officer ordered these uniforms for me due to me deploying shipgirls from mostly these nations in my recent sorties

I then took out the letter from The Director and gave it to Noire

Evan: Even The Director / Supreme Commander wants me to specialise in these nations

Noire took the letter and began reading it

Noire: I see. Then I suggest that you wear them

Evan: Nani?

Noire gave the letter back to me before continuing

Noire: Your Superior Officer and The Director strongly encouraged you to specialise in these nations so it's best that you don't let them down. Who knows, the uniforms of these nations may look good on you

Evan: Noire...

Noire: And besides, why do you even deploy those shipgirls repeatedly in the first place if you don't feel anything special about them and their nations?

Evan: That's...

I couldn't answer as I do not have an answer to Noire's question

Evan (thoughts): Why do I even deploy mostly Iris, Vichya and Sardegna shipgirls in my most recent sorties? Maybe I do feel something special about them and their nations

Noire grabbed a plastic bag containing a set of Sardegna Empire Service Dress Uniform from the cardboard box and handed it to me

Noire: Evan. The reason why you deployed those shipgirls in the first place is because you love them and their nations but you just didn't realise it. Your Superior Officer and even The Director realises it. That's why your Superior Officer ordered these uniforms and send them for you to wear with approval from The Director

Evan: ...

Noire: Wear these uniforms for them and those shipgirls, Evan

I looked at Noire for a moment before reluctantly taking the plastic bag

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