Chapter 56: Heir

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Chatter and classic pop music floated from a house with neon-bordered windows in The Under. Ruby Jane and Whitby went with Sonia and Randal to see Idir. They were playing a musical video game, but the actual musicians struggled to operate the virtual instruments. Sonia and Whitby beat everyone on the dance mat. Cornelia, Holly's 18 year-old sister, scored highest in everything else, closely followed by Randal. He tried to high-five Sonia, but she only stuck her tongue out.

'All he ever does is sit around and play video games. Honestly!'

Abbey winked. 'But you know that even though you're "not an item," eh?'

'As if you're not fisting Alfie.'

'Excuse me,' Alfie called from the floor where he and Lyndon played with Idir and Trapinch, 'Don't say things I can't reply to while I'm babysitting.'

No-one heard the nervous knock on the door. Footsteps thudded. The visitor almost left. They paced for a while before turning back. The next knock was more urgent. Everyone's eyes swivelled to the door. They weren't opening it for unexpected visitors. Cornelia hastily muted the TV, but it was too late to pretend no-one was home. The lights were on. The music wasn't blaring, but it was loud enough to hear a rumble outside.

Hands shot to Poké Balls. Lyndon stood to peer through the blinds. Verzant followed him. They were ready to send out their Pokémon, but when Lyric asked who it was, neither of them could answer. They had no idea.

'Some Golbat-sized guy in a lab coat.'

'Carry on,' Verzant said with a dismissive wave, 'He must be selling something.'

Ruby Jane frowned. 'What does he look like? Other than Golbat-sized in a lab coat?'

'A bit like Justy?'

'Fuck. It's Jet.'

She glanced at Whitby, who shook his head. 'The fuck does he want? Ignore him.'

Jet knocked again. He didn't look like he was there to kill them on Cipher's behalf. He looked flustered and upset. When they began to switch the lights off, a frantic yell accompanied louder knocks.

'I'm not here to harass Ruby Jane! Or Whitby! I need to talk to you! All of you!'

'Should we take him hostage?' Lyndon suggested, 'Cipher need their overlord of the mines, right?'

'We could hand him in, I guess...'

Lyric shook her head. 'No! He might have backup!'

'The street's empty,' Lyndon said, 'He doesn't have a visible radio. Duct tape, anyone? Rope? We'll do it in the street and take him to the basement via the outside door, so Idir doesn't have to see it.'

The only tape in the house was packaging tape. There was no rope. Wyatt uncertainly fetched some ripped and stained bedsheets that were due to go to the fabric bank.

Lyndon cut them into strips to bind Jet's limbs. He crawled out of the basement's outside door to grab him from behind. His relatives were ready to burst out of the house to help him, but Jet only realised he was there when a hand was clamped over his mouth. No minions leapt from the shadows to save him. Lyndon dragged him to the basement as effortlessly as if he was an inanimate object. If Camden's basement wasn't bugged, theirs probably wasn't, either.

'Two can play at this game, asshole. You're our hostage now.'

His hand relaxed. He was yet to gag Jet.

'What the fuck?! What the actual fuck, dude?! I thought Courtney was my friend!'

'Maybe she was obliged to be polite to you, but I'm not your friend. No-one in this house is. For a criminal mastermind, you aren't much of a mastermind at all, are you?'

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