Chapter 97: Warmth

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It didn't bother Aiko that the atmosphere in Holly's room became so awkward it was painful when Toru had to ask if he could use the shower. He must have bumped into Leon on the way, because he returned wearing Leon's clothes. Holly opened the gift in the meantime. It was a glittery black bass that was actually from the whole band, not just Aiko. As usual, they remembered her admiring it, but that meant she knew how much it cost.

'You really shouldn't have.'

'We wanted to.'

Aiko quietened down for a moment. 'It's been a weird year. We all need some glitter to cheer us up.'

Toru grimaced at his reflection. Leon's frilly shirt didn't suit him.

'I look like an old Galarian man about to crash my Rapidash and cart.'

'Just put your own clothes back on. You're in Orre. There's always sand everywhere. We can sweep it up later.'

'I don't want to be rude...'

'Well!' Aiko interjected, 'We love old men here! Did you know me and Laila–?'

Holly glared. 'Shut up, Aiko.'

Leon was so nice, barely even blinking at the semi-stranger looking for the bathroom, Toru didn't want to come across as ungrateful. He stayed in his borrowed clothes, feeding their Pokémon while Holly tamed her hair and applied make-up.

Downstairs, Leon was showing Yan how to bake the traditional round bread. Everyone else, other than Abbey, was still asleep. She waved.

'Ayup, Toru. Fancy seeing you here.'

'Mr. Oak!'

Maybe they weren't the only ones awake. A familiar, jumbled accent came from the kitchen table.

'It is I, Looker! I see you cannot resist a feast, either!'

'Don't mind him,' Abbey said, 'He shows up wherever there's food or descendants of Jasmine Fayed.'

'Oh... hello, Looker.'

Holly expected Toru to announce 'smell ya later' and disappear at any moment. He joined Leon's baking lesson instead. As awkward as it was, there was something wistful and nostalgic in his eyes that wasn't even for Holly. It was for being welcomed to a family gathering like an invited guest. Leon and Abbey treated everyone that way. It was how they were raised, from their ancestors to their own children. There were rumours that even hostile Bede joined them on Royal Day, since he had no-one else to spend it with. They would have done it for anyone, but it still warmed Toru's heart.

'You have a big family, right?' Holly asked when they sat at the table, 'Do you not see them often?'

'Oh, I mean, I'm always with my kids. They're all very loving. But I've lived in Kanto since I was 16 and... my mom doesn't think very highly of my... reputation. Neither do my brothers. I guess I'm just... running the show most of the time, as a dad, so... it's nice to be a guest.'

'How's that back of yours?'

Looker leaned in with a mouth full of fresh bread. 'Mr. Oak was quite the hero when a mob of raging Primeape descended on Viridian City! He battled on even after taking a Focus Punch to the back. Their timing was rather inconvenient. Mr. Oak was–'

'You can just call me Toru, dude.'

'Toru was due to compete in the World Championships, but was sadly unable to walk for two weeks due to the back injury. As Trainers and police officers, we experience many injuries, but it only needs a run-of-the-mill attack to strike in the wrong place to have a bigger impact than Guillotine.'

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