Chapter 50: Only Grandchild

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An air conditioning unit whirred. Platform boots thumped a grimy floor as windows slammed shut. Wes sat to face his only grandchild. His Espeon and Umbreon stared from the doorway they blocked.

'This is an all time low, Horace.'

Horace said nothing. He stared at the wall. Usually, he was too scared of Wes to smirk at him, but he could get away with it under his bandages. Wes still noticed.

'You're not doing yourself any favours. Do you want to be blamed? Have you agreed to take the blame for GoD? Is that it?'

'I wouldn't go to jail for anyone.'

'Well, first things first. If you are a member of Cipher, don't kid yourself that I'm scared of you or any of your friends. And I'm not doing this for the cops. I took Cipher down. I have no intention of seeing them thrive while I live. So, Horace – look me in the eyes. Tell me whether or not you're Grand Master of Cipher.'

Horace's eyes remained fixed on the wall. 'Y'know, Grandpa... if you ask GoD, he'll say no.'

'Of course he will. But I'll probably know if he's lying.'

'No, then. I'm not GoD.'

He didn't sound remotely convincing. His eyes flitted to and fro like a killer caught at the scene of the crime. Surely, after all the effort GoD went to just to hide his identity, he wouldn't crumble just because he was scared of his grandpa?

'What if I said I don't believe you?'

Horace shrugged. 'What do you want me to do? Beg you to believe me?'

'You know that's not it. I want you to at least act like you're being honest. Is there some reason you want to go to jail? Look me in the eyes.'

It was no use. Even when Wes stood to force Horace to meet his gaze, he stared through him.

'Did someone pay you to do this?'

'To do what? Pretend to be GoD? I told you, I wouldn't go to jail for anyone. I have money. I don't need to be paid off.'

'They aren't gonna be forgiving. They think every other suspect has motives. Not you. They think you're a shameless psychopath. If they decide you're GoD, that is. And believe it or not, none of us want that to happen. Your mom and dad are worried sick. I know you've been upset since Cail and Rui died...'

Horace winced. The mention of Rui sparked something. He met his grandfather's eyes for the first time.

'And maybe that excuses you becoming an antisocial drunk in a Grumpigsty, but it does not excuse you becoming Grand Master of Cipher, or letting people believe you are Grand Master of Cipher just because you can't be fucked to be reasonable. You know Scarlet's parents have just died, right?'

'...No. I didn't.'

'The last thing she needed was your shitty attitude. I can tell you feel bad now. Try being a little nicer to everyone. You have no idea what strangers are going through. Being a "Rogue" shouldn't come before being a decent human being. Cail knew that.'

'Cail was a Rogue, through and through.'

'Then that must mean Rogues are decent people, because he was. Come on, Horace... you do know I want to help you, right? You're my only grandchild.'

'Am I?'

'And even if I had 500, I'd still love you and want to help you... what? What do you mean, "am I?"'

'You sure about that, Gramps?'

'Are you trying to imply something about Suzie? Or Seth?'

'No. Oh, no, don't you worry about Dad. I know I was an "accident" that put him off kids for life.'

'You might have been an accident, but he adores you. So does your mom. They haven't had more kids because they're happy with you. Not every couple is like Trip and Amber. Is that what's pushed you to this? You think they don't love you?'


'Then what's the problem? Are you talking shit about Suzie?'

'No. Jeez. Are you that blind? Have you seriously not noticed? Or at least wondered?'

'I may not have been the best dad in the world, but I assure you I only have two children and never cheated on their mom. If it's Rui–'

'No! I would never!'

'Then I have no idea what you're talking about! What does this even have to do with anything? Are you trying to confuse me?'

'It doesn't. I'm just saying. I wouldn't be so confident that I'm your "only grandchild" if I were you. And if I'm so disappointing to y'all, maybe you should stop strutting around in your trench coat in 110°F for a second and think about who you could go hit up for a family reunion instead.'

'Horace! You aren't disappointing to us. Your behaviour is. I'm not talking about you selling ready dinner for a living. I'm not even talking about your drinking, because you're clearly an alcoholic and that's not your fault. I'm talking about your shitty attitude to literally everyone, which you're doing a damn good job of demonstrating right now.'

'I know I'm human garbage. But–'

'You couldn't even resist being a dick to Camden.'

'I know! But I wasn't being a dick to you. I was just saying.'

Wes sighed. 'Sorry to be "that guy," but you're 23. You shouldn't react like an edgy teenager if I say you'll regret thinking it's cool to be "human garbage" when you're my age.'

'You still act like an edgy teenager. Did you forget your face paint?'

'I know you and your dad think my fashion sense is cringeworthy, but I've never been proud of being "human garbage."'

'You were in Team Snagem.'

'Yeah. And I was human garbage. I wasn't proud of it, hence why I left and got all the Pokémon back from Cipher. Doesn't excuse what I did, but at least I don't think it was cool.'

'I'm not proud of it. I don't have the energy to defend myself. To care about anything. I just want to drink until I can't feel anything.'


'Because I'm miserable. I'm sick of feeling things. And no, I don't want to go with Camden to any meetings, despite that joke I made.'

'Why did you go to visit his kid – with such a thoughtful gift – if you don't care?'

'I didn't say I don't care. I said I don't have the energy to care. My conscience is still there. Draining all my energy until I feel even worse.'

'I'm really sorry you're so depressed, Horace. I'm not going to force you to do anything, but I honestly think things will get better if you consider stopping drinking or even rehab. And I can guarantee they'll only get worse if you go to jail for something you didn't do.'

'But what am I gonna say to defend myself? "I'm not GoD?" That's not enough. And even if I am GoD...'

There was an unreadable flicker in Horace's amber eyes.

'I think I won't end up in jail, don't I? Why would I get this far and just give up? For the good of my health?'

'Actually, yes.'

'Well, if GoD's smart, he knows that once he's dug his own grave, he's gotta lay in it.'

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