Chapter 61: Ready

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Raidne left her Shadow Pokémon in her apartment. She left Obsidian City, probably forever, with a small backpack. It contained her few prized possessions and regular Pokémon, which she befriended in the desert over the years: Flygon, Garchomp, Maractus and Krookodile, as well as her pet Yamper and Sandshrew.

She knew she would go to jail. She didn't plan to hide. Being behind bars couldn't be any worse than a life of fleeing law enforcement for the sake of her mother. At least she would exist. She would meet people who weren't creepy old men or spoiled celebrities. Though her parents raised her to believe every enemy of Cipher was evil, she knew that if her Pokémon were released, they would be safer with Cipher's enemies than any member of the syndicate... except perhaps GoD, but he was the reason Raidne took off.

Flygon wasn't used to carrying her. It only got the chance to fly when she let it out to circle the resort, or to swoop over the city. Otherwise, they risked being seen. She didn't want to pressure Flygon, but they didn't have time for a leisurely flight. It understood. Its flapping wings made a haunting singing sound as it sped up.

The desert wind was gritty. Exiting the city via the Wilderness Mine, the closest settlement was Quartz Town, but Raidne headed for The Under. If anyone would give her the chance to speak without immediately tying her up, it would be Naaji's relatives, in case she knew where he was.

They descended through the chasm. Even in her distress, Raidne couldn't help feeling a flicker of excitement about finally seeing a real city; though she suspected she wouldn't see much of it before she was arrested. She dodged a Gym Trainer on a Sigilyph. There were two potential places she could land: Wyatt's house or Laila's shop. The latter was closer. Flygon landed on the balcony with a thud. The sliding doors shot immediately open.

Ilirian blinked. So did Raidne. He was still wearing the Kommo-o onesie. He also expected an ally or enemy he would recognise, because he didn't recognise Raidne at first. Raine yelled her name. Her Swampert threw rope to Ilirian. He hesitated before tying Raidne up. She looked distressed. Flygon was back in its Poké Ball already. Her hands were in the air.

'I won't attack. I swear. Take all my Pokémon if you want. I don't have any knives. I never had it in me to cut anyone.'

Swampert confiscated the Poké Balls and backpack she laid on the floor. Laila rummaged through it. There was nothing threatening in there. It didn't even set off the metal detector from Aiko. She hesitantly led Raidne inside. Sirens flashed outside.

'Listen to me. GoD is going to attempt to stop time from Orre Colosseum at 5PM tonight. This is unnatural for Celebi. It's only capable of it because it's an XD-series Shadow Pokémon. That also means it's damaging time. My simulations show that this may tear open a warp space, not unlike an Ultra Wormhole, but with one fundamental difference – if this space closes, anyone and anything inside will cease to exist. I have no idea when, why or if it will suddenly close.'

'Why are you telling us this?'

'Maybe he'll never forgive me, but I don't want GoD to die... and I have a conscience.'

Raidne hesitated. '...I don't want to do this anymore.'

'Why would he die?'

'Because he plans to deliberately enter the warp space. He wants to stop feeling. The simulations show that the deepest thoughts, fears and desires may manifest there. He hopes–'

'Where is GoD?'

'In Obsidian City. Preparing to arrange our forces while time is stopped, so when it resumes, we can round up our enemies and trap them in the city until they agree to fight for Cipher.'

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