Chapter 13: Absent Guardian

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As October neared its end, the Agate Hills were buried under a blanket of snow. The village's streams froze. Kids travelled from afar to enjoy sledding. Before Jovi retired, she was determined to introduce at least one species of Ice-type Pokémon to usually sweltering Orre. She released the Swinub, Cubchoo, Alolan Vulpix and Snover families from the lab's chilled chambers only when she was confident they understood the need to aestivate during the warmer months.

Dirk and Rustie kept an eye on them for her. They were pleased to see them emerging from their dens as soon as the snow came. Rustie took any who seemed a little dry for checkups at the Pokémon Center, where she worked as a nurse. They were all healthy.

Jovi couldn't resist driving to Agate Village to see them for herself. It wasn't long until journalists arrived. Ice-type Pokémon thriving in Orre was hard to believe. The success story brightened a rapidly darkening time. Ever since Jovi found out her late father had two kids no-one knew about – Rui and Alfie – with his first love, she doubted his spirit ever lingered with her; but in moments like that, she knew he was proud.

She walked with Dirk to Relic Cave. While the Bug-types Dirk trained began to hibernate for the winter in the cave, Jovi's Ice-types began to venture out. Parent Pokémon proudly showed her their newborns.

'I can't even blame it on hormones at 69. I'm just an emotional wreck! I'm all choked up!'

It made Dirk emotional, too. He loved all Pokémon. Next time Victor visited, he promised to bring a family of Snom and Frosmoth. They were Bug- and Ice-types.

Snow crunched under their feet. It plopped from the strained branches of trees onto the platform that was home to the Relic Stone. The ancient stone contained the power of time-travelling Celebi. It purified Shadow Pokémon and saved victims of their attacks. As Gym Leader, Dirk was responsible for its security. His Gym Trainers always guarded the cave, even through the night. The past Gym Leader and his mentor Hebon watched over the bridge from his house.

Jovi was overjoyed to see her Ice-types playing with other hardy residents of the forest. Ghosts loved the snow, too. The Shuppet family was rarely seen in the highlands, preferring the cities full of dark thoughts, but there were several Shuppet and Banette amongst the trees.

'If only Mom was still around... even she'd have to acknowledge this!'

A pair of Snover helped her brush snow off the Relic Stone. She took out her scientific equipment for taking readings of Celebi's power. With Cipher gone and no Pokémon or people affected by Shadow Pokémon, she only needed to check on the stone annually. Behind her, Dirk frowned. The scene before him, with vastly different Pokémon playfully coexisting in the healthy forest, was heartwarming... but something unsettled him. The forest's soothing tranquility was absent.


Jovi glanced up. Her smile was gone.

'Who's visited the forest recently?'

'Only me and my Gym Trainers.'

'Cipher have been. They must have. It's no coincidence that they're back and for the first time in recorded history... this is just a regular chunk of rock. It has no power.'

'But... I was only here a few days ago... and the air didn't feel like this. No-one's mentioned any weirdos.'

Jovi reached into her thick coat's pocket for her P★DA. She called Alfie. It still made her feel weird that he was her half-brother... but he was Eagun's only living grandchild.


'Alfie, are you through security already?'

'I cancelled my flight. I'm–'

'Can you come to Relic Forest?'


'You're Eagun's grandson.'

'I don't think Celebi will be up for a chat with an ex-Cipher Admin.'

'Alfie. You are next in line to serve Celebi, whether you like it or not. I can call Seth or Lyndon–'

'That's not going to happen.'

'But they come after you. Come to Relic Forest.'

'Can I bring a friend? I don't want to die in a Cipher hole.'

'I don't care! Just get your ass here!'

'OK, OK... I'm coming.'

Alfie wasn't far away at Abbey and Leon's house on the outskirts of the village. He arrived with Abbey on the back of her Garchomp. She immediately understood. The equipment Jovi used to check on the stone came from her lab.

'That's... bad.'

'It's fucking freezing...'

Even in the thick overalls needed to fly on Garchomp's back, Alfie shivered.

'Gosh, Alfie!' Jovi irritably exclaimed, 'Eagun complained less at 107! And sorry, pal, but you're gonna to have to kneel.'

'Oof... my pensioner's knees...'

'You like being old, just because you'll always have something to whine about.'

'If I act like Eagun Junior, Celebi will just be like "he's full of shit." Anyway... what do I need to do?'

'Call Celebi!'

'Hello, Celebi! Friend of the family! I have no idea what's going on, or what I'm supposed to do, but I'll be very grateful if you get this angry professor off my back.'

Nothing happened. Of course, even for the descendants of those who served Celebi and the forest, it wasn't as simple as summoning a legendary Pokémon whenever they wished; but in times of dire need, or when it needed help itself, Celebi did respond. As dismissive as Alfie was, there was no doubt he meant well. There was no reason for Celebi to refuse to respond simply because he wasn't as formal as his grandfather.

'You know, Prof... I think I'm talking to a rock here.'

'Of course you're talking to a rock. A rock that should contain Celebi's power.'

'But it doesn't. Celebi clearly isn't home.'

'Time Flute?' Dirk suggested, 'I've been keepin' it safe in case we have to urgently purify a Shadow Pokémon... but...'

A Time Flute was the only way for anyone who possessed it to immediately summon Celebi. If that didn't work... Dirk jogged to his house to retrieve the Time Flute he protected. He passed it to Alfie. Their hearts sank in synchrony. There was no response. Celebi was gone. A disturbing chill crept over Jovi's skin, but it wasn't the cold.

'They've either captured Celebi... driven it away... or killed it. And they either had a Time Flute of their own... or... they didn't need a Time Flute. Because they're a descendant of Eagun. And whoever it was... Dirk's Gym Trainers didn't even think to mention them. It's someone we know.'

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