Chapter 104: Long Road

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'Clerk, please swear in the jury.'

The jury stood. Each member raised their right hand.

'Do each of you swear that you will fairly try this case before this court? That you will return a genuine verdict according to the evidence and the instructions of this court?'

'I do.'

'You may be seated.'

Lindsey stood to address the jury. 'Your Honour and people of the jury. James Hawthorn Fayed Joyner-Massey has been charged with treason; second-degree murder; armed robbery; prison break; arson with intent to endanger life; Pokémon abuse; Shadow Pokémon production; unauthorised access of restricted data and unauthorised impairment of electronic communication. The evidence presented will show, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the defendant was indeed the Grand Master and lead scientist of the criminal syndicate Cipher and is guilty of all charges.'

Now it was Harper's turn. 'Your Honour and people of the jury, there is indeed no doubt that my client was Grand Master of Cipher. However, you will find that this case is in no way black and white. The defendant was heavily influenced by a tragic history of abuse, harassment, manipulation and addiction. Despite this, my client used his position to save and improve the lives of others like him, in addition to dissolving Cipher – which finally put one of the world's most wanted criminals, Ardos Luvaro, behind bars. The killing of Brynlee Booth was an act of self-defence after years of abuse and the kidnapping of my client's brother, Naaji Hawthorn Fayed Joyner-Massey. Not once in his career as Grand Master did my client intend to endanger life.'

'The first witness may be called.'

'The Region calls Oliver Cooke.'

Jamie hadn't forgotten the retired Gatas guard's name. His blue eyes, set in deep wrinkles, were tired. He was asked to confirm his name and occupation. Then Lindsey's examination began.

'Mr. Cooke, could you please tell the court what happened when you stepped off the bus at Gatas Dock, on June 14 seven years ago?'

'I walked through a tunnel to reach the dock. My Mightyena went in first and fainted. I looked around and saw a young man with a Vileplume.'

Lindsey produced a photo of Jamie's Vileplume. She pointed at him.

'Was that this Vileplume and this man?'

'I wouldn't know one Vileplume from the next. But I do remember this man's amber eyes.'

'Please continue.'

'The Vileplume shook Sleep Powder over me from behind. I woke up in hospital.'

'Did you file a police report?'

'No. I was anxious to get back to work.'

'Thank you. I have no further questions.'

Harper didn't ask any questions, either. He didn't say anything particularly incriminating. The doctor who examined Oliver confirmed he was knocked out by Sleep Powder. Next up was the colleague who told their boss, Calvin, that Oliver was sick; then Calvin himself.

Amber nervously waited for Ardos to appear. She knew he was there, but Lindsey didn't call him. Once everyone with memory of the Gatas incident testified, they moved on to the Bank of Unova. Before calling witnesses, Lindsey showed two exhibits: the eyelash confirmed to be Jamie's and photo of Lavender in Nimbasa City.

'The Region calls Melvin Kaufman.'

An ageing man, in a suit slightly too small for him, was escorted to the witness stand.

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