Chapter 107: Bravery

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'The defence calls Raidne Gallego.'

It was the first time Raidne and Jamie saw each other since he left the lab in a maniacal frenzy. She couldn't help smiling, because she admittedly preferred seeing him surrendered in his orange jumpsuit than ruling Cipher as GoD, but she quickly stifled it when she saw Lindsey's frown. Jamie didn't return her smile. He stared past her, as indifferent as he was when she feared he preferred Leucosia, but she knew now that he loved her all along. He was, after all, an expert at hiding his strongest emotions. She wouldn't let that hurt her anymore.

Raidne had a passport to hand to the clerk now. The International Police produced birth certificates for the twins and transferred their medical records from Obsidian City to the regional system. Darnell signed both certificates. Theta refused to sign Raidne's. She didn't want anything she owned to ever pass to her traitorous daughter.

'Ms. Gallego, can you confirm who your parents are and where you all lived?'

'Theta Gallego and Darnell Tloper. We lived in hiding in my grandparents' house until I was five. Then we moved to the Selenite Resort, where my dad worked as a groundskeeper.'

'Before we move on to how you met the defendant, can you tell the court a little about your childhood? And how abusive your parents were? So everyone can understand exactly what kind of people you and the defendant were dealing with?'

'My dad has now been convicted for years of emotional and sexual abuse. He was emboldened by Rose Moore, who also lived at the resort. They all... my dad, Rose and his daughter, Primula... abused me and my twin sister, Leucosia, as soon as we moved there.'

Raidne made an effort not to look back at the screen showing photos to back up her claims. Lindsey didn't sound entirely convinced by her own argument when she suggested that the photos didn't prove anything. Raidne felt no urge to snap back at her. She had done this four times already: at Darnell's, Theta's and Primula's trials, then her own. They were all found guilty. She knew her words were true and that her pain was valid. She wouldn't be discouraged or intimidated by a regional attorney whose job it was to challenge her claims.

Harper hadn't publicly shown any compassion until then. It wasn't her job to be compassionate. It was her job to keep criminals out of jail, whether they deserved it or not. Her professional tone never changed, but there was a surprisingly reassuring, motherly look in her eyes as she prompted Raidne to briefly recount her childhood of isolation and neglect. Maybe in that situation it was her job. She had to ensure Raidne was comfortable enough to defend her client, after all; or maybe there really was a human being capable of compassion under that cold, competitive exterior.

'And on what date did you meet the defendant?'

'November 18th, 11 years ago.'

'What happened?'

'I was singing to wild Pokémon in our usual spot. I heard footsteps, which scared me, but the Pokémon didn't seem worried at all... and... I couldn't be scared when I saw another lost kid with such a kind face.'

There was a different look in Jamie's eyes now. He was no longer staring past Raidne. Was it... pride? Indeed, there was no doubt; he was proud that the naive and vulnerable girl he met in the desert grew brave enough to recount her trauma not once, but five times, to ensure justice was served. He knew she would have done the same regardless of who was on trial. It was only brief, but he smiled.

'How did your relationship progress from there?'

'I was always out there and he was skipping school to avoid stalkers, including his ex, Leonora. So instead of just wandering, we started to meet. He felt he couldn't speak to his parents because his Kalosian teacher convinced him that they didn't really love him, or understand life at all. I didn't know any better. But it was a sort of refuge, finding kindred spirits, you know? This boy was not someone who was looking to join a criminal syndicate.'

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