Chapter 35

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A/N: Ok you guys this is it, the last chapter of this story. I will save all of my thank you crap for the end. Let's just get on with this chapter, shall we?

Tris's POV

"Tris, you alright?" I hear Shauna ask, I look up and see her leaning on the doorway looking at me concerned.

"Y-y-yeah why?" I stutter out,

"Well I mean when I walked in here you were just sitting there with your head in your hands," she says and sits on the couch next to me,"Want to talk about it?"

"Well," I start off with a sigh,"The problem is, I don't know myself. I can't comprehend any of my thoughts right now."

"Maybe it's just pre-wedding jitters, which is completely normal." She answers.

"Yeah maybe. It's just, do you think I'm doing the right thing?" I ask.

"What do you mean, getting married?"

"Yeah like do you think I should do this?"

"Tris, I'm not going to force you into doing anything but you need to ask yourself one question.

"Do you love him?"

"Yes of course I do." I answer almost instantly.

"Without a doubt? Can you see yourself with any other person?"

"Without a doubt I love him. I can't imagine myself with any other person, I want to be with him forever."

"Then there you go, you've got your answer. You just said you wanted to be with him forever, then of course this is the right thing to do. It wouldn't be the right thing to do if you didn't want to continue your life with him. Tris, your obviously nervous every girl on her wedding day is. The fact though is that you love Four and he's obviously madly in love with you. Don't feel like you're making the wrong decision for being with the one you love for the rest of your life."

I nod and think for a little,"You're right. I do love him so much, more than anything. I don't know what I was thinking I guess I almost felt obligated to marry right now because of Mason. I do want to live with Tobias for the rest of my life. I will go on with the wedding."

I hear a squeal at the door. I look over and see Christina, Marlene, and Lynn standing there. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion when I see Lynn, she looks almost concerned. She's biting her lip obviously deep in thought while she's staring off into the distance.

"Lynn, you alright?" I ask.

She instantly snaps out of it,"Yeah sorry I didn't have much sleep last night I kind of blanked out. Nothing to worry about."

I look at her for a couple of seconds then nod,"Ok." Suddenly my mom and dad appear by the door holding Mason.

"Mom dad!" I exclaim while running towards them and giving them a huge hug with Mason squished between us in my mom's arms.

"Tris! You look absolutely stunning!" My mom exclaims while looking at my dress, hair, and makeup.

"You're getting old way too fast stop it! You're not allowed to." My dad says jokingly. I laugh and give him another hug.

"Don't I get one too?" I perk up at the voice.

"Caleb!" I exclaim and tackle him in a bear hug.

He chuckles and hugs me back,"Hey sis. You ready to go?"

I give him a strange look,"It's time already?"

"Yeah! Now come on you don't want to be late to your own wedding now do you?" Marlene says and shoves my bouquet into my hands while Christina fixes my veil. We all walk down the hall and stop in front of two beautiful double doors. The girls stand in front of me with the guys by their sides, then Mason, who is the ring bearer with my mom to guide him down. Lastly there's my dad and me.

Life Must Go On: Divergent High sequelWhere stories live. Discover now