Chapter 7

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Tris's POV

  Ring ring ring.

  I groan and put my hand on my bedside table trying to find my phone. Whoever is waking me up from a beautiful thing called sleep better have a good reason for it. I finally find my phone and without checking the caller ID I answer it.

 "Hello?" I mutter.

  "Tris? Where you sleeping?" I hear Christina ask on the other side.

  "No I was actaually twerking, you know good exercise... Yes I was sleeping!" I exclaim.

   "Well now that you are up get ready I am picking you up in 10 minutes." I groan and sit up in my bed while rubbing my eyes.

  "Woah woah woah. Wait a second I can't go any where I have Mason here."

  "Yeah I know. That's why I called your parents asking them if they can watch him for you. They were glad to do it." She explains.

  I groan again,"So you wake me up and tell me to get ready in 10 minutes?" 

  "Actually it's 8 minutes now." She states.

  I groan and jump out of bed,"Ok ok I will get ready as fast as I can."

  "Great!" She exclaims,"Oh and by the way you might want to stope groaning. Yeah it's not really attractive."

  I roll my eyes and hang up. Ok 8 minutes. I can do this. It's a good thing I took a shower last night so I don't have to worry about it right now. I run into my closet and through on a green tank top and some dark skinny jeans. I then find my brown flip flops and run into the bathroom. I put on a little bit of concealer where I need it and just add a little bit of eyeliner and some mascara. I brush my hair and brush my teeth. Right as I finish the doorbell rings.

  "My gosh Christina." I mutter and run downstairs to open the door.

  "Good your ready! Let's go!" She exclaims and pulls me out the door and into her car.

  "Where are we going?" I ask as she drives off.

   "We are going to the guys' apartment." I hear Shauna say behind me. I jump and look in the back. There sits Shuana, Marlene, and Lynn.

  "Woah um hi. Didn't expect to see you there." I say

   Lynn rolls her eyes,"That's the point." 

   "Why are we going to their apartment?" I ask.

   "To ruin little kids' dreams of becoming princesses and pirates." Marlene says sarcastically.

  I hold my hand up,"Your sarcasm is not needed."

  Christina gives me a quick look then turns back to the road,"Really Tris? You are like the queen of sarcasm." I stick my tounge out at her

  "Real mature Tris." She muses.

   "No one answered my question." I whine.

   "We are going over there just to hang out." Shauna finally says.

  I nod and speak again,"So are like all of the guys going to be there?"

  "If what you are asking is if your little prince charming is going to be there. Yes Tris he is." Marlene says.

  I nod slowly,"Ok and does he know-"

  "Yes Tris he knows you are coming over. Just shut up for 5 seconds." Lynn says. I hold my hands up in defense but keep quiet. they all sigh in content. I open my mouth to speak again, but they all stop me.

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