Chapter 17

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A/N: Ok so this chapter leaves off a week after last chapter. I'm not going to spend to much time on initiation, so today is their last day training.

Tobias's POV

   "Congratulations you have survived our training process." Amar starts off,"Today is your last day and for most people, their hardest. We are doing mental training today. Basically you are going to be put under a serum and you are going to have to face your biggest fears. Most people have 10 to 15. I will be overseeing your fears along side Evelyn and Tori. Now who's first?" None of us answer we just stare at him like he is insane. We have to face our fears!? I may act fearless, but I am sure I will have 100 at the least.

    "No? No one?" He asks with his eyebrows raised.

      "I vote Four first!" Uriah shouts.

       My head snaps to him,"Why me?"

     "You are fearless we can never scare you. That means you would be the fastest." He states like it's obvious.

      "You should go first then. I mean you are scared of literally everything, might as well get you out of the way considering you will be in there the longest." I shoot back.

     Before Uriah can reply, Amar cuts him off,"Uriah! Thanks for volunteering you're up. Follow me." Uriah looks nervous, but he follows Amar to the room.

    "Well looks like we are going to be here for a while." I say.

    "Is he really expecting us to go through our biggest fears!?" Marlene exclaims.

      "What? You scared?" Zeke mocks.

        "Psh. Scared? Me? Nah bro I'm fabulous!" She exclaims while flipping her hair.

     After a couple of hours Tris's name is called which makes me the last person to go. Tris looks up at me worried when she hears her name. I give her an reassuring hug.

    "Be brave Tris." I whisper in her ear. She nods slowly and follow Amar into the room. I look around at the group. After they go out of their landscape they had to stay in the waiting room until Amar comes back after the last person (aka me) then he will let us all go. Everyone is either asleep or bored out of their minds.

     Zeke, who is sitting next to me, has his legs propped up in my lap. No matter how many times I try to move them he keeps on putting them back on me so I just ignore it now. Shauna is next to him and is asleep in his lap and he is playing with her hair. Christina has her head on Will's shoulder while his arms are wrapped around her. Marlene and Uriah are sitting in the corner playing I spy, although everything in this room is either black or black. We were playing truth or dare for a while, but got bored considering we can't leave this room. The door opens and Tris walks out breathing heavily.

   I put my hand on her shoulder,"You alright?"

   She nods,"Yeah I'm fine, just seemed so real." I nod in understandment.

   "Four. You're the last one." Amar announces. I nod and walk into the white room with him. In the room sits Evelyn and Tori.  Right I forgot they were watching these. Tori I don't mind, it's just Evelyn.

   "Take a seat." Amar says gesturing to the chair in the middle of the room and I do as told. he hands me a blue liqud in a shot glass. I stare at it and look back up at him.

  "What's this?" I ask.

   "It's the serum." Is all he says. I nod and tilt it in the back of my throat.

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