Chapter 29

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A/N: I'm so sorry it took this long to update, I will explain everything in the AN below. On the side is a beautiful cover made by abbyk_17. Which I would like to thank her for making. Now onto the chapter, enjoy!

Tris's POV (In case you forgot the last chapter Hannah's funneral took place)

   It has been six months since we left the Allegiant compound, six months since Hannah's death. Mason is now three which he has been for six months. He can now speak pretty well and may I say that kid has a mouth on him, sometimes I think he will never stop talking. 

   Tobias is the normal Tobias I know and love. He of course took a while to get beck to normal, but he is doing great and it is almost like the incident never happened six months ago. Evelyn is still keeping in touch with him every once and a while, and Marcus of course ignores him. Nothing new there.

    The rest of the group? Well they are the same old halarious, crazy to the point you think they are on crack, and slightly annoying people I call my family. 

     Oh and then there is me. How am I you may ask? Well what can I say? I feel like I am on cloud nine. In a month from now I will have the new name of Tris Eaton. The past couple of months have been hectic trying to find a place for the wedding to take place, trying to find a place for the reception, the list can go on. Thankfully I have my maid of honor by my side, Christina. She has taken over the job as wedding planner as well and has been doing a fantastic job of that. Most of the times the best man is suppost to help out a lot to, but Tobias's best man is Zeke and we all know how much of a help he is. Not to mention his brains.

   Today I am going dress shopping with the girls, while Tobias goes tux shopping with the guys, and Mason. I am honestly am not looking forward to go shopping, and knowing Christina she is going to make me try on the puffiest dresses of all.

   "Yay! We're here!" Christina squeals as we pull into the parking lot. I look up and am met with a huge white elegant store.

    "Christina. This store is crazy expensive, I can't get any of the dresses here." I protest.

    She rolls her eyes and turns the car off then steps out the car,"Tris. This is your big day and you have to be wearing the best of the best."

   "Yeah but I don't need to pay a couple thousand dollars for a dress I will only wear once." I defend while getting out of the car and follow Chrstina in along side Shauna, Marlene, and Lynn.

   "You will thank me later when you looking back at your wedding picutes and see you wearing a beautiful dress and not just some boring plain one," She says, "Plus. Consideing Four's job you have more than enough money to spend on a wedding dress. Might as well use that to your advantage." I sigh and keep quiet knowing whatever I say won't work on her.

   "Hi!" An overly perky voice screetches in our faces,"I'm Victoria and I am here to help you find the perfect dress! Now which one of you ladies is the bride to be?"

   "That would be my friend Tris here." Christina says motioning to me.

    "Congragulations!" She practically yells making me wince,"Let me see it."

   I look around confused then look back at her,"Ummm see what?"

   "The ring of course." She answers.

     "Oh- um, ok?" I awkardly put my left hand out as she gasps and takes my hand. 

    "That is one big ring." She says staring at it wide eyed,"I'm guessing you want a dress as extravagant as this ring?"

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