Chapter 11

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Tobias's POV

I peel my eyes open from my night's sleep only to be met by the bright sun spilling into my room. I squint my eyes until they are adjusted with the harsh light. I roll over surprised to see I'm not alone in my bed, but accompanied with both Tris and Mason. It then all comes back to me. I remember the girls coming back over to our apartment to spend the night. I grin as I see Tris's eyes flutter open.

"Goodmorning." Tris mumbles.

"Morning Tris." Just as I say that Mason rubs his eyes and slowly reveals his deep blue eyes,"And goodmorning to you to Mason." He instantly smiles and sits up. He is always full of energy.

There is a loud crash downstairs. I groan,"Well I should probably see what the idiots broke today." Tris chuckles and takes Mason in her hands. The three of us walk down the stairs together. When we get down there everyone is already awake.

"Goodmorning sleepy heads. It seems like you are always the last people to wake up." Christina states. I roll my eyes and plop down on the couch with Zeke to my left and Tris with Mason to my right.

"What was the loud crash?" I ask.

"Uriah here fell off of the sofa." Zeke says.

Uriah makes a face at him,"Yeah I did. After I was pushed! Not to mention by you!!"

Zeke holds his hands up in defense,"Hey it would have never happened if it wasn't for Will!"

Will gasps,"Me!? You two sat right on me!" Then all three of them start yelling about who's fault it was. All I did was ask a simple question. Which resulted into this.

Tris groans and burries her face into my shoulder,"How do you deal with this everyday? Especially in the morning."

I chuckle,"You learn to block it out."

She look up at me in disbelief,"How is that possible with all of the noise?"

I shrug,"I guess I get cought up in my own head."

Is that me you are talking about?

Spiderman? Why are you here?


Oh... nevermind... it's you.

I bet you missed me.

More than ever! Hince the sarcasm.

You know you love me.

No. Actaully I don't.

*Sniffles* I would whipe my tears if I had hands. Or now that I think about it. If I had a body. Unlike you who can just whipe all the tears he wants.

I spy jealousy.

*Rolls eyes* If I had eyes! Do you know how hard it is to not have a body!? To be stuck in your mind!? That's even worse!

Oh I know. My awesomeness is just so over powering. It's ok, not everyone can be as awesome as me.

Mhm yeah.. By the way, Mr. I'm so awesome. Yeah did you forget about something?

Umm no. I don't think so.

I think you did. Your friends. Yeah they're staring.

I imedietly snap back to reality and see that my friends indeed are staring at me.

"Ummm Four you okay?" Shauna asks concerned.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I ask.

"Sweetheart." Tris starts softly like she is talking to a kid,"You were talking to yourself."

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