Chapter 32

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A/N: Hey everyone! Please read my AN down below, it's kind of important. Thank you, now onto the story!

Tobias's POV

"Do we really have to go to this?" Will asks.

"Yes! We have to go to our high school reunion, it's important. Why don't any of you guys get that?" Christina asks frustrated.

"Because we don't want to see any of them again and if we wanted to we would, but the only people I actually liked in high school are here right now." Zeke answers.

"Pleaseeeee we have to go!" Christina begs.

"Fine! We will go, but we aren't staying the entire time. We will go there, say hi to the people we really don't care about anymore, and then leave. That's it." Tris compromises. Christina cheers in response while the rest of us groan.

"Come one guys lighten up, this will be fun! Maybe even Lynn will find a boyfriend!" Christina exclaims.

"Ha! Funny, you should be a comedian..... No" Lynn replies.

"Awwww is my sister still afraid of boys?" Shauna taunts.

"No, actually I am not. Do you wanna know why I haven't had a boyfriend? It's actually because-"

"Stop," Marlene cuts her off," No fighting. Let's just get through this reunion without any arguments, and then when we get back home you can fight all you want." I roll my eyes and look at the building in front of us. Our old high school. I think back to the way I acted, the things I did, and internally cringe. Throughout high school I was probably a jerk to every one of those people in the building.

I look back at the group and see that everyone is fighting again. Oh and in case you were wondering, no we didn't just leave Mason at home. He's at Tris's parents' house.

"Guys." I say, no one answers.

"Guys." They're still arguing.

"Guys!" I exclaim. Everyone stops and looks at me,"Stop fighting and let's just get this over with." They all nod and start to walk in the building. I sigh in relief and follow them in.

When we walk into the familiar cafeteria I see that it's filled with people sitting at huge round tables. Some are having awkward conversations, some are arguing, some are screaming about how they haven't seen each other in a long time, and some are laughing and having a good time.

As I look around I remember a lot of these faces. I remember the people I picked on, I remember the people I used to joke around with and played alongside them in football, and I see a lot of the girls that would throw themselves at me. I used to think that they were just girls and I can use them in anyway I wanted to, but seeing them now I realize how dumb I used to be. Some of them brought their husbands and are showing their friends pictures of their kids and homes.

"Are you guys ready?" Christina asks excited. We all nod. I wrap my arm around Tris's shoulder and we follow the group into the mass of people. When everyone sees me they all have mixed emotions on their faces. Some of them have looks of disgust and hatred, some of them have looks of happiness, and some of them just look happy to see me because I am famous.

"Come here." Christina says to the eight of us and leads us to a table with people sitting around it.

"Well if it isn't the fearless nine." One of the guys at the table says. That was what people called our group at the end of senior year.

I take in the the features of the four people, two guys and two girls, and seem to remember who they are. The guy who spoke was Tanner with whom I played on the football team with. He used to be good friends with Zeke, Uriah, and I. The other guy was Jack. I do remember that he was one of the poor souls I would pick on back in the day. The two girls were Claire and Bailey. Back in high school they were some of the girls that would throw themselves at me and I do remember taking up their offer a couple of times.

Life Must Go On: Divergent High sequelWhere stories live. Discover now