Chapter 3

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Discalimer- I don't own Divergent only this fanfiction. Veronica Roth is the brilliant mind behind the story. You all probably already knew that though.

  I know I said this last chapter, but I have some really important A/Ns at the bottom. Now how about we get on with story?

Tobias's POV

  The sun spills from the curtains waking me from my peaceful sleep. I groan and look at the time on my phone and instantly groan. It's already noon. I force my self out of bed and quickly change into some clothes. I hear voices and follow them into the living room. Will, Zeke, and Uriah are currently playing a video game, and as usual getting pretty into it. I plop myself onto the couch beside them. Three heads instantly snap towards me. Uriah is the first to talk.

  "You slept in pretty late."

   "Yeah sleeping beauty how was your slumber?" Zeke teases.

  I roll my eyes and shove him into Will,"Hey! I didn't do anything!" He exclaims.

   "You were going to." I accuse.

   He nods,"Fair enough."

"Before anyone says anything else, I have had no sleep these past six months on tour, so excuse me if I slept in a little late."

  Zeke whistles,"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I don't say anything. I just flick him off which says everything.

  "Well can I ask a question or are you to moody?" Uriah asks.

  I raise my eyebrows,"I'm not moody, and why can'y you ask a question?" He just shrugs.

  "Where were you last night?" He asks while wiggling his eyebrows.

  "I think we know where he was." Will says smirking.

  I roll my eyes,"I didn't do what you think I did." They look down disappointed.

  "Oh. Well how was your night?" Zeke asks.

  I shake my head,"I don't know how much drama can go on in just one night. Especially the night I get back into town."

  Uriah's eyes light up and he sits foward,"Ohhhh drama. What happened?"

  "Well I had to go to Justin's place to meet his 'girlfriend'. Which is Lauren by the way-"

  Zeke gasps dramatically,"No flippin way! How does that happen?"

  I glare at him,"Save all questions for the end."

  "Yes sir." He mutters.

   I smirk,"Good. So yeah Justin's girlfriend is Lauren which made it probably the most akward dinner ever. Apparently she is still attracted to me-"

  Will scoffs,"Well obviously. I mean if I were a girl I probably would be too. I mean look at-" He stops when he sees me giving him a death glare,"By bad. Continue."

  "Anyways. Hannah came over as well. She then told me she had a message from Marcus. The message was that I have to meet up with him or else our deal is off. You know my deal I made with him which protected Hannah from him?" I ask. They all nod vigorously deeply consumed into my story.

  "That means that I'm going to have to see that monster again." I sigh and run my fingers through my hair,"Oh yeah and the most important thing. I ran into Tris and some kid. She told me he was her cousin, but I soon found out it is her kid. Oh and apparently she has been back for six months now."

  The guys make a face and look at each other nervously. I narrow my eyes at them,"You three are hiding something from me."

  The shake their heads,"What???? Why would you think that?" Zeke asks in a high voice. He does that when he lies.

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