Chapter 31

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A/N: What? What is this? Is this finally the update? Guys I am sooooooooo sorry for taking so long. I will get on with the chapter but as uaual there is an AN down below. Please read it. Now without further ado, chapter 31...

PS:This takes place a week after the last chapter ended. I hope you enjoy this chapter, I decided to do a fun chapter for this update and in spirit of Halloween this takes place on Halloween night.

Tobias's POV

"We're home!" I shout while walking through the door, no one answers. I turn to Tris who has Mason in her arms.

"Where are they?" I ask.

"I don't know maybe they left?" She answers more like a question.

"No, even if they did at least one of them had to stay here to pass out candy." She nods at my answer and we start to walk further into the house. When we get into the living room I see the group sprawled across the living room looking as bored as can be.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Tris asks.

"Well while you two were out taking your son trick or treating we were sitting here, bored and having to give out candy and a lot of them were screaming girls hoping to see you." Uriah complains.

"None of you guys came up with anything fun to do?" I ask surprised.

"No my brain is fried!" Uriah exclaims. I roll my eyes and walk to the couch that Zeke is sprawled all over and move his feet out of the way then sit down. He shoots me a little glare and props his feet up in my lap. I roll my eyes at him but don't do anything.

"Well what if we just played some truth or dare like we used to back in the days." I suggest.

"Four!" Uriah exclaims and tackles me with a hug,"You are a genius!"

"Yeah I know now get off of me." I complain and pry him off of me.

"Who's up for a game of truth or dare??" Uriah exclaims. Everyone in the room erupts in cheers and we all get seated around the living room. Tris and I sit on the couch with Mason in between both of us. Christina and Will sit on the love seat, Zeke sits in one of the recliner chairs with Shauna in his lap, and Uriah and Marlene got forced to sit on the floor.

"Ok so everyone knows the rules. If you refuse to do a truth or dare then you have to remove a piece of clothing, socks don't count. Since Mason is to young to play he will help us come up with ideas if we need help. Everyone got it?" A response of 'yeah's go around the room,"Good. Since I went over the rules, I go first."

"But I always go first." Zeke pouts."Not today." Uriah says in a sing-song voice,"Ok! Chris! Truth or dare?"

"Let's start this off with a truth." She answers.

Uriah lets out a groan,"That's no fun! Fine if you got to be reborn as someone in our group of friends. Who would you pick and why?"

"Probably Mason. I mean let's face it, he's got a pretty nice life going for him."

"Ok fair enough. You're turn." Uriah says.

"Shauna. Truth or dare?" Christina asks.

"Dare." She replies.

"Ok then I dare you to let Zeke take your phone and text someone from your contacts." Christina dares.

"Really Chris? I don't think that's a very good idea.." Shauna protests.

"Well it's either that or you have to take off a clothing item." Christina says with a smirk.

Shauna looks down at her phone then over to Zeke who is currently giving her the puppy eyes. She lets out an exasperated sigh and hands Zeke her phone,"Fine! I will do the dare!"

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